Chapter IV: From Malfoy to Draco

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~Draco POV~

We entered the Great Hall and Blaise and I sat down at our Slytherin table waiting for all the speeches to be over. I heard them so many times, I could probably recite all of them perfectly. Headmistress did say something interesting though...

"Starting from today we will begin our House Unity Agreement. This implies that you all are now able to sit freely with other houses if wishes so. From the war we have realized that we need a stronger bond between houses so I along with the rest of the staff felt like we should do something to bring our houses together, thus creating the House Unity Agreement.                    We hope that you all will participate and create friendships with those of different houses."  

 It was quiet for a moment but eventually, people started shyly moving over to their friend's tables. I was a bit baffled at the thought, thinking back to my fifth-year self I most likely would have laughed and probably started a big commotion. 

At the end of all of the sorting and speeches, Headmistress McGonagall announced Luna and me as the new Head boy and Head girl. I was shocked to see that most students didn't really have a reaction to me; a previous death eater becoming a head boy. Even the golden trio was pretty calm...everyone must be too drained from the War to care.

After dinner, the prefects escorted the first years to their rooms while Headmistress McGonagall asked Luna and me to stay after dinner. Luna and I walked to the front of the headmistress'   table.

"Hello, I hope to see that both of you are getting along?"

"Just fine, thank you for asking," 

"Wonderful to hear, I hope this will carry on and that you two become great friends in the future," Headmistress said getting up from her seat.

I think I blew that dream out of the water so I doubt that will be happening anytime soon I thought to myself.

She then started walking out of the Hall when she said "Now if you will follow me I will take you both to your rooms,"

"Don't we just go to our regular rooms?" I asked 

She then stopped and looked at me and Luna as if we were completely oblivious.      

"Oh no, you both are the head boy and girl. You must get some sort of benefit for having so much pressure bestowed upon you, now come along,"


After walking up and through interesting passageways, we finally made it to our room. To my surprise, Dumbledore was our portrait door. I then noticed another portrait that I wish I really hadn't.

"Well, if it isn't Lovegood and Malfoy." A sneering voice said

"H-hello Professor Snape," I said wanting to run away. I really didn't feel like being greeted by him every day.

"I am no longer your professor...I'm dead if you didn't know." 

"I-I knew," I said already feeling gray hairs come into form

"Will you stop being so impudent to the children, you should congratulate them for becoming Head Boy and Head Girl," Dumbledore said looking at both I and Luna.

"Why on earth should I-

"That's enough you two. If you continue to keep fighting I will put you back in the dungeon," Headmistress said 


Headmistress McGonagall just rolled her eyes "Anyways...these are your new rooms, the password is Jester-Two-Prank. I shall see you both in class tomorrow" and with that, she was gone.


We walked in through a small hallway to find two doors on opposite sides of the room that most likely led to our bedrooms. After that, there was a large green velvet sofa, a wooden coffee table and two blue velvet armchairs that sat on top of the dark brown hardwood floors that seemed to compliment the dark brown walls. 

The side of the wall facing the sofa and armchairs was a grand black and white marble fireplace that had a blazing red and yellow fire going. On the opposite side of the fireplace was a bookshelf that spread all across the wall with what looked like to be hundreds of books placed in it. 

The back side of the room had three large ceiling to floor windows that faced out to the lake. The moon was hitting the hardwood floors with a dazzling light that made the room look luxurious, yet very comfortable and relaxing.

I walked into one of the rooms to see dark brown walls with a bay window. The moon poured light over the hardwood floors creating a hazy glow on the bed. In the middle of the room held blue velvet drapes hanging from the Cherrywood bedposts with a blue silk bedspread that had a fury bronze blanket hanging from the bottom of the bed. On both sides of the bed were matching Cherrywood nightstands with vases of platinum red roses that sat below hanging glass wall sconces on each side. There was a long Cherrywood Chester drawer placed in front of the bed that had two candles on top that smelt of pine trees and fresh rain. There was a door opposite of the bay window that was presumably the bathroom. After taking it all in I looked to see Luna walking in and going right up to the window.

"Well I guess this is your room," I said slowly walking out

"Ah yes, isn't it beautiful...this view is spectacular," Luna said still looking out to the lake

"Ya it is, well good night Lovegood," I said walking even slower

"Yes, good night Malfoy," Luna said standing by her door.

Why does she keep calling me Malfoy! Did I do something to upset her? 

Luna was starting to shut her door and before I knew it the notorious Malfoy family rage kicked in. I walked up to the door and stopped it with my hand.

"Did I do something to upset you?" I said angrily

"No, why do you say that Malfoy?" Luna said slightly opening the door a bit confused with my sudden outburst.

"Why am I Malfoy. What, am I not good enough to be called by my name now?" At this point for some reason, I was getting angrier when all of a sudden Luna started to chuckle.

"Is that what you were upset about?" Luna asked with a pure hearted smile on her face.

"How could I not be," I said a bit with rage and a bit confused as to why she was smiling.

"Well I'm sorry if I made you angry, but you always called me Lovegood so I just thought you preferred to be called by your surname," Luna said still smiling

"I would prefer if you called me by my name," I said averting my eyes from hers.

"Alright then, I shall call you Draco from now on but you have to call me Luna alright?"

"Very well then...Luna."

"Good night Draco," Luna said shutting the door

"Goodnight Luna," I said walking into my room with a big smirk on my face.


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...Until We Meet Again...

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