Chapter XLII: Muggle Lost

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~Draco POV~

"Blaise, are you almost finished yet?" Erik asked

"Would you guys wait a little," Blaise said

"Their gonna leave without us," Ron said.

"You know, you guys are only going to slow down my process," Blaise said as Harry started laughing.

"If you don't hurry up, we're going to leave without you," I said

"I'm done jeez, you guys are even mean to me when I'm going to the loo," Blaise said

"Let's just go already," Erik said


"Whats taking them so long?" Ginny said

"I know, where did they go. It's already been ten minutes." Cho said

"I thought guys were supposed to be extremely fast at going to the loo," Ginny said getting inpatient.

"Guess our guys are still lacking some things," Astrid said laughing with Hermione.

"Not guys...just Blaise. Remember, he was the only one that had to go in the first place." Ginny said rolling her eyes.

"Hmm..." Luna looking around.

"What is it, Luna?" Cho asked

"We must have forgotten to keep track of the teacher," Luna said with a dazed expression.

"Crap!" Ginny said nervously

"Hey guys, sorry we took so long," Erik said

"Blaise you idiot!" Ginny yelled punching his arm.

"What!? Why are you punching me?" Blaise asked

"We forgot to watch where the teacher was going and now we're lost," Ginny said

"Ginny, calm down. We're not muggles, let's just track them." Blaise said looking in his pockets...

"He took our wands remember," Hermione said getting a bit more anxious.

"Crap," Blaise said

"Way to go, Blaise," Ginny said continuing to hit him.

"Calm down woman, your nearly tearing my arm off," Blaise said

"Good!" Ginny shouted

"Let's just calm down everyone." Harry said

"It's not like the professor will forget about us, we're his students...and the Head boy and girl is here too. He's bound to figure that out at some point." Hermione said...


~Meanwhile...Professor Rory's POV~

"Isn't today a splendid day everyone?!?"

-moans from students-

"You guys are all going to love this camping trip, I just know it!"


"I don't know why, but I feel like he's in his own world right now," Ron said

"Well, before Blaise had to go to the loo we were all going straight. Let's just keep going straight. It's not like he is going to go on a crazy path through the forest." Erik said


~Professor Rory POV~

"Now we are going to go on a bit of a crazy path through the forest, you know, to liven up this camping trip. So please make sure to follow my exact moves; If you get lost it will be quite difficult to find your way to the campsite."


"Ya, I'm sure he wouldn't do that." I said with a bit of uneasiness.

"Well let's go, I don't know what I'll do if we are stuck out here when sunset comes," Astrid said

"Why?" Blaise asked

"Do you even know what lives in the forest?" Ginny asked

"Does it look like I carry a manual of creatures in the forest?" Blaise asked

"There are bears,snakes,wolfs, and a whole bunch of other things that I really don't want to meet in here," Ginny said

"The jungle," Blaise said confidently.

"What about the jungle?" Erik asked

"Don't those animals only live in the jungle," Blaise said looking at me as I mentally face palmed.

"What an Idiot, " Ginny said walking away

"What?" Blaise asked confused

"let's just go." Ron said


After thirty-five  minutes of walking, Hermione stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked

"I can't help but think this is the wrong way." Hermione said

"I feel it too." Luna said

"What should we do then, wait until Professor notices us missing." I said

"Well, professor only said it was a mile away from the campsite. And from the pace we were going we should have reached it by now." Cho said

"Should we try splitting up?" Ron said

"Isn't that how they die in the muggle movies?" Blaise asked

"Yes, well not exactly but splitting up is the last thing we should do. We don't have magic so we at least need to stick together." Harry said

"Let's try a different direction then." Astrid said

"Guess that's all we can do." Hermione said

"I choose that way." Blaise said pointing down a dark path.

"Great" Everyone said going the opposite direction.

"Sorry Blaise, but you don't have the best of luck so we're just gonna go the opposite way," Erik said

"Ya...probably for the best," Blaise said sulking in the back.

"Do you think he's okay?" Astrid whispered to Ginny

"He's fine." Ginny said looking back to Blaise

"My own girlfriend thinks I have bad luck," Blaise said mummbling to himself.

"You okay Blaise?" I asked

"Just fine, I might just jump off a cliff...ya know, to get rid of the bad luck." Blaise said biterly.

"Sorry Blaise, you know your my best bud. But you do have somewhat bad luck." I said knowing I just made the situation worse.

"Thanks, I can always count on you to make me feel better." Blaise said sarcsically.


Hope you enjoyed this Chapter. And a huge thank for 20k Reads! You don't know how much that means to us!

...Until We Meet Again...

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