Chapter XXX: Small Talk

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Hello everyone, before we start this chapter we would like to thank all of our fans.This is our 30th chapter and it means so much to know that you all continue to read our story!! We hope you continue till the end and without this turning into a long paragraph lets continue the story.

~Blaise's POV~ (We know that this unexpected but we tried changing it up a little bit)

It was a Friday night and I was taking a shower before I headed out with Draco for our night shift. I quickly put on some black jeans, a plain grey shirt and my black converse. I walked down to where we usually met up and saw Ginny walking down the hallway.

"Hey ginger" I said walking over to her

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she continued to keep walking

"nothing really.... just wanted to see my favorite Weasley" I said walking right next to her.

"Ya right, what are you really doing out?" She said

"why do you think everything I say involving you is a joke?"

"I don't know; I guess that is just how you are"

"And how am I exactly?"

"Well for starters you are a big pain in the arse......but secondly, you always joke about everything so I guess it is only natural that I would think you are joking"

"That may be true, but I do not joke about everything"

"Ahuh sure"

"only unimportant things"

"But in your head that is just about everything"

"Not everything" I said as Ginny stopped for a split second to look at me with that "Not buying it face"

"I guess I can't change your mind, but for what it's worth I think your important"

"Very funny, well I have to go to my room, see you tomorrow" Ginny said walking through her door to the Gryffindor common room.

"That wasn't a joke though" I said as she shut the door thinking of how to get her to notice me when suddenly I remembered something....

"BLOODY HELL!! I forgot about our shift" I said running down the stairs to meet up with Draco


"What took you so long?" Draco said slouching on a wall

"Sorry, I was talking to the red Head" I said running up to Draco

"Can't you just call her Ginny?" Draco said starting to head off on our rounds

"I don't know, guess I just like calling her that"

"So, what did you guys talk about?"

"Nothing really...just about how she thinks everything I say is a joke"

"She isn't wrong" He said with a straight poker face

"Well I am sorry for having a great sense of humor"

"Ya, that's what you have" Draco said sarcastically

"Thank you" I said sarcastically back "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, whats up?'

"What do you think that I should do to win Ginny over?"

"Well I don't really know if I should be giving you advice about relationships...due to the lack of my own."

"your own what?" A familiar voice said as Draco and I both turned was none other than....


What will happen next? Will Blaise finally tell Ginny how he feels.....or better yet, will Draco tell Luna? And who is it they met in the corridors? Find out in our next chapter coming soon!

P.s. Sorry for the Cliche questionnaire I threw up their...but I thought it was kinda funny so I just rolled with it:)

.....Until We Meet Again....

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