Chapter XIX: The Gift Exchange

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Hello everyone and sorry it has taken us so long to update. Christmas has taken a big toll on us as we struggle to quickly finish our last minute shopping and the Christmas parties that seem to be endless. We hope you enjoy this chapter and remember to NSR! (Never Stop Reading!)


The next day we all went back to Hogsmeade and walked into the Three Broomsticks.

"I'm so happy that everyone is staying" Luna said as I sat next down next to her. After everyone sat down Hermione pulled out ten small pieces of paper and wrote everyone's name on it and put them all in a bag

"Okay so whoever you pick that's who you get a gift for" Hermione said

"What's our budget?" Astrid said

"Hmm...let's make it 15 pounds" Ginny said (Author's Note: For those of you who do not know it is roughly around 22 US dollars...^_^)

"Sounds good" Erik said.We each then chose a name out of the bag...

"Can I do it again? Ginny sadly said staring at the name on her paper while Hermione patted her back while saying no...

"How interesting" Blaise said with a smirk as he opened his

"Hmm" Ron said scratching the back of his head

"What if you have no clue of what to get them?" Astrid said looking over the name she got

"Just do your best" Hermione said

I then opened my paper and was a bit baffled at who I got...

"We all have till Christmas to get our gifts" Hermione said

(Who do you think everyone got 0_0...?)


We finished at the three Broomsticks since everyone barely talked thinking they would give away who they got. We all headed back to Hogwarts and went to dinner talking about our Christmas plans. Later Blaise and I walked the hallways for a bit talking about who we got when we discovered we didn't get each other.

"So you got Harry?" Blaise asked

"Yeah, don't really know what I can get him though" I said a bit in thought about what he would like when Blaise stopped me

"What about a muggle toaster?" Blaise said raising his eyebrows

"Oh yeah and tell him to put it right next to his bed, maybe I can even get him a pack of bread with it and just buy a new pack every time he runs out" I said feeling sorry for whoever he got

"" Blaise said a bit unsure

"No" I said bluntly

"Hmm, what about a muggle clock?" Blaise said super confident of this one

"Why is everything that comes to mind a muggle item?" I said super annoyed at how thoughtless he could be

"He's a muggle remember...nostalgia always hits home" He said as if he just solved world hunger

"I'll think about that" I said rolling my eyes

"Your welcome" Blaise said as if he knew he was getting on my nerves

" who did you get" I asked

"Not telling" Blaise said smugly

"I told you who I got when you asked"

"Your problem not mine" He said smiling

"You seem to be looking for a hex right about now" I said narrowing my eyebrows at him

"Alright, alright....I got your beloved Luna" he said as smug as ever

"You're kidding...." I said in total disbelief...out of had to be him.

"I'm not" he said completely serious

"What are you getting her....a toaster" I said sarcastically

".....How did you know?" he said serious again

"......I didn't" I said a bit worried for Luna

"I'm just kidding!" Blaise said laughing "I don't really know what to get her though. I've never shopped for a girl before" Blaise said as I became even more worried for Luna

"Guess were both screwed" I said

"....pretty much" Blaise said as we continued walking...


Were sorry that this chapter is so short but we promise to update our whole Christmas series before Christmas....Thank you for reading and please vote and would be truly appreciated. (^_^)

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