Chapter XIV: Party for Dead

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~Draco POV~

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DOES THAT MEAN?!!!" Blaise yelled at the top of his lungs.

We all were trying to figure out and understand what the letter meant for a good ten minutes when Blaise says

"Soooooo anyone got anything yet?"

"Not sure" Erik said scratching the back of his neck. We were all totally clueless of what to make of the letter.

"Well we need to hurry, it's been so long that all of our potions have worn off," Hermione said

"Where should we go though? It didn't really explain where it was,"Astrid said

"Well it said that a party was it might possibly be around here somewhere," Cho said

"Ya but what if we read the letter outside, or upstairs, or back in the classroom...where would we look then?" Blaise said sarcastically

"Then why don't you go to those places while we search around here," Ginny retorted.

"This isn't getting us anywhere...." Hermione said. Everyone continued to debate on where we should look next when Luna tugged on my shirt. I then looked at her questionably when she said

"Do you hear that?"

I tried to knock out the sound of everyone and heard a small sound. It music...

"Wait! Everyone be quiet!" I said trying to hear it better

"What's up with him?" Ron said to Erik

"Do you guys hear that?" I said

"Hear what?" Erik said

"Is" Harry said confused

"Ya, but where is it coming from?" Cho said

"From here," Luna said dragging all of us to a dark steep stairway

"Down there??" Ginny said

"Afraid of the dark Ginger?" Blaise said with a smug look on his face.

"I'm sorry if not everyone was brought up in a dark dungeon like you," Ginny said rolling her eyes.


We all then walked down the steps and heard the music getting louder and louder.

We reached a huge wooden door that started to slowly open. When we entered we were immediately thrown off-guard at everything that was happening. It was like we entered a completely different world...

"Welcome kids," An old man and woman said.

Erik looked confused, "What the-"

"A party for the Ghost people...coool," Blaise

"Almost like second year huh?" Ron said elbowing Harry

"Let's just hope this party doesn't end like that one" Harry said

"This is going to be interesting," Ginny said looking up to see a bunch of different glowing pumpkins on the ceiling...


The party was gruesome. We had to find out which pumpkin...out of the hundreds of pumpkins on the ceiling, was the one with the next key and clue.

Thankfully we had Nickle head or Nearly Nick or whatever his name is on our side.

We had finally managed to get the right pumpkin, after about an hour of picking random pumpkins...and sadly those pumpkins were not empty. We got drenched in water by half of them and drenched in gue with the all of the others.

The other team was a group of sixth years...they got there a little later than we did but we definitely did not have the upper hand.

They were smart and almost got to the golden pumpkin with the key in it, but we got Saint Nick or Nicholai to go up and get it first.

"FREAKIN FINALLY!" Blaise yelled

"About bloody time," Ron said

"C'mon, we need to hurry," Ginny said taking the Green key and clue out of the pumpkin. We all then walked out of the party and opened the envelope.

"What-A-Party, wasn't it Great! I bet you're all hungry now that you've escaped. Now go down the Hallway and make a quick right, where a feast has been set, and holds a great fright."


...Until We Meet Again...

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