Chapter XVIII: Christmas Begins

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Hello everyone....we are so sorry that it has taken so long to update but we have been so hectic with school and Christmas all at the same time (sigh) I'll get over it. Anyways.....we hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Draco POV~

Snow started falling and the smell of burning wood began to overtake Hogwarts. Everyone; including Erik, Astrid and Cho who now, like Blaise and I became a main addition decided to go to Hogsmeade. We went into the Three Broomsticks and ordered some Butterbeers.

"I can't believe it's already going to be Christmas" Astrid said sitting down next to Erik

"I seems to be going by so fast" Hermione said taking the seat next to Ron

"What are your guy's plans for our Christmas break?" Erik said putting an arm around Astrid's chair

"Well I think I might just's my last year here so I wanna remember this place as best as possible" Harry said

"I'll also be parents have to go oversees for some business" Cho said mainly just looking at Harry

"Us too" Hermione said looking at Ron and Ginny as they nodded their heads in agreement

"What about you guys?" Ginny said to Erik and Astrid

"Were gonna go"

"Were gonna stay" Astrid and Erik said at the same time. Erik then asked Astrid a little shocked

"But I thought we were going to spend Christmas together?"

"We are spending it together but Harry's right. This is our last year here and I want to spend it with all of our don't mind do you?" Astrid said looking at Erik with a puppy dog face. I have to admit....she was slyer than I thought

" I guess not" Erik said looking defeated. Blaise, Harry, Ron and I were trying not to laugh at how much Erik would cave in for her.

"This is going to be fun" Astrid said as she kissed Erik's cheek

"Wait....What about you Luna?" I asked her

"My father wants me for a Christmas dinner but he will mostly be working on the newest edition of the Quibbler so he thought I should just stay here"

"Then it's settled....we'll all be spending Christmas together" Ginny said

".... just assume that were staying" Blaise said slowly taking a sip of his drink

"You're not" Ron said

"Not sure yet...I haven't talked to my mom much about it. I just didn't really want to leave her" I said.

".........Thanks for the downer" Erik said as Astrid elbowed his side

"Ouch women!" Erik said as Astrid gave him a not so nice look "I mean....sorry to hear that Draco" Erik said

"Well depending on whether Blaise and Draco can stay for Christmas I think we should do a gift exchange" Hermione said

"A what?" Blaise said

"It's when you and a group of friends throw all of your names into a hat and each of you picks a random person and then you have to get a gift for them" Hermione said

"Is this a muggle thing?" Erik said

"Yes" Astrid said

"....makes more sense" Erik said as Blaise agreed with him

"What does that mean?" Astrid said

"No- it- um- I- it's just....muggles are just so much more creative then us purebloods" Erik said looking terrified. Astrid looked at Erik and thought how hopeless he could be at times.

"Any who...That sounds fun" Ron said

"Well after Draco sorts everything out we will continue on with our gift exchange. And even if you guys leave we can still do it, I mean that's what owls are for" Harry said

"Sounds good" Blaise said


After we finished up at the Three Broomsticks we walked back to Hogwarts. I went to the owlery and wrote a letter to my mother

Dear mother,

I hope you are doing well and that the shop is doing nicely. Blaise and I will be coming for Christmas break. We hope to see you soon.

Love Draco

I then proceeded with my day a bit depressed that Luna and I won't be together for Christmas but I didn't want to leave my mother alone.


The next day came and I woke up with my owl sitting on my bed post. When I opened the letter I was surprised at what I read

Dear Draco,

I'm doing just fine and the shop is doing great. I am sorry to tell you though that I don't want either of you home for Christmas. You both are in your last years at Hogwarts and I want you both to have a wonderful time. I will be just fine by myself; the café has been keeping me busy so I doubt I would get to spend much time with you anyways. I want you to have as much fun as you can because when you graduate I want you to take over my Café......just kidding, but seriously. I do want you both over for Christmas dinner but I want you to spend Christmas break with your friends. Also, be sure to tell Luna how you feel soon; maybe buy her a nice necklace or something. Also be sure to tell Blaise I want a full report on how he is doing with Ginny. I love you very much.

Love your amazing mother

"Guess that settles it then" I said writing a quick reply of I love you and will see you for Christmas dinner


I headed down for dinner with everyone and told them that we were staying. Blaise asked me if I was sure she would be fine but I gave him the letter and he said that he would owl her after dinner. Probably planning on telling her about Ginny...I don't know what kind of update he can give her though going with the fact that there not going out and they are pretty much barely hanging on as friends.

"Tomorrow we will go back to the Three Broomsticks and we will start our Gift exchange" Hermione said

"This is going to be fun!" Ginny said


Sorry again that it has been so long but we hope you all enjoyed our chapter! We will try to make another chapter as soon as possible.

.....Until We Meet Again.....

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