Chapter XX: New Revelations

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~Luna POV~ (We realized we never really have Luna's POV but it's easier to write in Draco's POV then Luna's...We just match with Draco's personality better. In all honesty through...Blaise, Ginny and Erik are the easiest to write and make dialogue for; they just have our funny sarcasm that the other characters sadly lack. All in all....we will work on having Luna's POV more often. And sorry for this whole story as to why we rarely have Luna...(sigh) sorry)

I woke up a bit later than usual because we had went on break. I took a shower and got changed in a colorful sweater with black pants and my polka dotted converse. After I talked with Dumbledore and Professor Snape for a bit I went downstairs to the Great Hall and saw Ginny, Blaise, Hermione and Ron.

"Hey Luna" Blaise said. I was very pleased with how close Blaise and I became...he is a very good person and I do hope Ginny notices this soon...

"So have you guys found a gift for you're um...person?" Blaise said looking a little confused of his own words

"Good I guess....hope he'll like it" Ginny said looking as if she wanted to laugh

"I'll be done after I get the last package in the mail" Hermione said looking extremely pleased with herself.

" have multiple packages....whoever you got is a very lucky person" Blaise said

"There really going to like it" Hermione said confidently

I was biting into my second piece of bread when Draco came flying in....not literally, just metaphorically. Although that would have been very exciting to see...

"Why didn't you wake me...?" Draco said sitting down next to me

"I'm sorry...but I heard you snoring and assumed that you would not have wanted to be woken" I said

"I-I...don't snore" He said looking at everyone to confirm it with his face...don't know how that went over though as everyone started laughing

"You do....just lightly though. It's nothing to be embarrassed about though....we all have sleeping habits. Mine is sleep baking....whenever I get up there is always a plate of cookies. I don't know where I bake them though..." I said still a bit unsure of how they get there

"That's interesting" Draco said looking even redder than normal as everyone looked at me probably thinking it was not a real thing...but it was...

" didn't happen to see a package come in yet right?" Draco said trying to change the topic from whatever Blaise was asking him.

"No...why, is it for the gift exchange?" I asked a bit curious of what it was

"huh- um- ya...for the gift exchange" Draco said still looking a bit red

"Well if I find it I will be sure to give it to you" I said wondering if the nargles got ahold of it

"Thanks" Draco said


Erik and Astrid came down and we all ate the rest of our meals when we all decided to go outside for some fresh air. As we were about to go outside we saw Harry and Cho walk in with their hands clasped together....most likely because it was so cold.

"Hey guys...." Harry said a bit awkwardly

"Hey...." Ron said looking at their clasped hands; he probably thinks it is a bit weird as well.

"Anything new?" Blaise said looking at the both of them

"Ya.....wer-...we decided to-...

"We're dating" Cho said slowly

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