Chapter VIII: The Shrieking Shack

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~Draco POV~

Last night at Blaise's was a nightmare. He could not stop talking about Ginny and when he would he would ask me questions about Luna...I didn't tell him that I was starting to have feelings for Luna but I guess when you know a person for a while they just kind of know.

As I was entering the Great Hall for Lunch Luna came up to me

"Hello Draco" Luna said with her usual dazed voice

"Hey Luna" I said and just as I was about to go in the hall she grabbed my hand. I couldn't look her in the eyes or I would probably go insane when she then spoke after looking at the ground for about two minutes

"Um...would you possibly be able to meet me at the Shrieking shack after lunch" She said trying to define every word so it came out clearly. I was completely shocked....was she possibly going to tell me how she feels about me

"You don't have to though...I ju-

"No, I'll go" I said a bit more excited than I wanted. Even though I was really happy...I just didn't really want to sound desperate, but I guess that didn't work.

"Good, then I will see you after lunch" Luna said as she smiled and walked off to sit with Hermione and Ginny.

I then saw Blaise waving me down at the Slytherin table to come and sit down. I was trying to finish my meal as quick as I could...even noticing that Blaise was doing the same, but then again that's what he usually does. I couldn't believe that Luna wanted to talk to me. I just wish she would have asked me yesterday so I could have cleaned myself up a bit more. As Lunch couldn't have gone by slower I noticed that Luna had left. I then quickly finished up and started to make my way to the Shrieking Shack super excited at what Luna would tell me when I noticed that Blaise was right behind me

"Why are you following me?" I asked annoyed. I really didn't want Blaise to see me go in the Shrieking shack with Luna, he would ask a million questions.

"I'm not—you just happen to go the way I am" He replied easily

"Well where are you headed?" I asked even more annoyed

"The Shrieking Shack...where are you going?" he asked

"The shrieking Shack—wait why are you going there?" I said confused

"Ginny asked me here. Why are you going here?" He said looking up at the building

"Luna asked me here," I said slowly

"Just great" Blaise said rolling his eyes "We got played,"

"Will you be quiet," I said as I heard a noise coming from the house

"first off, Luna isn't like that—well maybe Ginny but still, let's just see if anyone is inside before we just leave"

"What do you mean inside—there's no one for like two miles. I don't think anyone is in here,"

"Fine then go back—but I'm looking" I said as I entered the door

"Wait—Don't just leave a brother" Blaise said running behind me making me roll my eyes

"Hello, is anyone in here?" I asked

"Ya cuz the first thing a murderer is gonna do is be like oh hello would you like some tea," Blaise yelled

"Would you be quiet, and there is no murderer here—you need to stop reading those muggle books" I said when all of a sudden the doors flung open

"Draco, Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be late" Luna said shutting the door

"Oh no I'm fine thanks—don't worry about me" Blaise said slumping down in a chair.

"Would you calm down Blaise, I swear," Ginny said coming through the doors with Harry, Hermione and Ron

"What exactly are we all doing here," Harry asked

"We would like you all to sit down on the table please" Hermione gestured for them all to sit

"Alright now we know that you four will not talk to each other—and the closest thing there was, was all of Blaise's failed attempts to talk to you when he would just go up to Erik. You guys are practically best friends by now" Ginny said making Blaise put his head down

"We know that you all have not have had the best friendship over the years but I think that you all could become the greatest friends if you would give each other a chance" Luna said. There was complete silence for about thirty seconds and then I just started to talk

"I know that I have done and said some really harsh things to all of you. But I am genuinely sorry. I wasn't in a good place," I then looked at Luna who gave me an encouraging smile "I guess I just wanted to please my father. Being a Death eater was the worst thing I could have possibly experienced, and if I could take it all back I would—I really would like it if we could start over and become friends."

"I'm sorry too," Blaise chimed in "I also said and did some terrible things to all of you and I'm really sorry."

It went quiet for a little then Harry said "I'm sorry too, I guess we all did things were not proud of—and I would like to take you up on that offer on starting over," Harry said smiling at Draco and Blaise

"Me too" Ron said "I want us all to be friends"

"Looks like our work is done," Hermione and Ginny said in unison

"Oh, let's celebrate and get a Butterbeer" Ginny said

"That sounds good, oh and let's go into Honey Dukes" Blaise said

"If we have time" Ginny said walking out of the door

"If we have time? It's like two o'clock, how long do we plan on drinking our Butterbeers?" Blaise said walking after her

Luna and I then started making our way with the rest of the gang talking about mainly muggle things...apparently they always wanted to know if I ever used a toaster. They were surprised to know that I did (even though it took me a very long time to understand how it works) but they were even more surprised to know that Blaise, my mother and I moved outside of the wizarding world and into the muggle one.

It was fun just talking with felt weird to know that after all of these years of chasing them that we would be talking about useless things. It felt like I had gotten what I always wanted from them—to be there friends...


(Tear) Go get 'em Draco, Well...Until We Meet Again....

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