Chapter XXXIX: Discussion in the Loo

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Now we know that technically their graduation is tomorrow...but after we thought more about it, we are going to have the graduation next week. Well in Druna Land....not in our not so cool it may take more than a week:/ We know it is a bit confusing but I think Luna is going to need to take a bit more time of understanding her feelings. 

~Luna POV~

After we all finished our Butter Beers we soon walked to the Great Hall for Dinner. Even as we sat down I couldn't look Draco in the eyes without quickly looking away; I think I was coming down with something because I kept feeling weird.

"Hey Luna, you okay?"

"I'm sorry did you say something?" I asked Hermione and Astrid

"You were drifting again," Astrid said

"You look tired, maybe you should go to your room and relax." Hermione said

"No, I am quite alright. But I appreciate both of your concern." I said

"Are you sure?" Astrid asked

"Yes, I just have a weird feeling in my stomach. It doesn't feel like I'm sick but it just feels strange. What is even weirder is that it only happens when I see Draco; it could maybe be the flu though" I said into Hermione's ear. Hermione looked at Astrid who quickly tapped on Ginny and Cho's shoulder and before I knew it they grabbed me and lifted me out of my seat.

"We're...uuummm...going to the loo," Hermione said scooting me along

"All of you?" Ron said

"Ya, you know how it is...all of us or none of us." Astrid said grabbing Ginny who took some biscuits with her.

"Why do you need to bring food?" Blaise said

"Because I can," Ginny said glaring at Blaise.

"I was just asking...." Blaise said biting into his food as the girls left.


The girls dragged me into the bathroom making sure that no one was in there.

"Okay...Luna, now I understand that you have never been in these circumstanc-

"What circumstances?" I asked

"What Ginny means is that we all think you are starting to look at Draco in a different manner." Cho said

"A different manner?" I asked

"You are starting to see him more as a lover than as a friend." Astrid said

"Is that why I feel weird whenever I am with Draco?" I asked still a little confused.

"Yes!" They all shouted in unison.

"I am sorry, I seemed to have made you all angry." I said

"No, but I must say it is a bit frustrating." Astrid said

"More like very frustrating." Ginny said as Hermione looked at Ginny in a "don't make her feel bad" way.

"But that's okay, that's just how you are." Cho said eyeing Ginny who just started to eat one of her biscuits.

"But don't think that you have to tell Draco immediately," Hermione said

"And why is that?" Ginny said while whispering to Hermione "Isn't that what we want?"

"You are still figuring out your feeling for him, take it slow and start to think about what he means to you." Hermione said

"Although our Graduation is tomorrow sooo ya know, if you want to think about it all overnight then that could work too." Ginny said

"I thought they were changing it to next week?" Cho said

"Probably for the best......Plus this gives her more time." Astrid said

"Time for what?" I asked

"Nothing," Ginny

"Well let's get back before the boys start to get suspicious." Hermione said

"I think they already are," Astrid said as Cho and Ginny nodded in agreement.


"How was the bathroom?" Blaise asked laughing with Erik and Ron as Harry and Draco gave them the "Shut up" face.

"Why are you interested?" Ginny said to Blaise with a raised eyebrow.

" I jus-

"I know Blaise," Ron said

"Insensitive much," Erik said

"Anyways," Ginny said glaring at Blaise "I'm really excited we have an extra week here."

"We do?" Draco asked

"Ya, so don't be so stressed about your speech," Erik said

"Since we don't have any more school I wonder what we're going to do." Ron said

"The teachers wouldn't make us do stuff.....right." Blaise said

"N-no...probably not." Harry said looking like he didn't believe what he was saying.


I'm so sorry that this chapter has taken forever....the next chapter will be up soon!

......Until We Meet Again.....

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