Chapter IX: Halloween Festival

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Halloween is near...And we wanted to kick it off with a little Halloween series for you guys. We hope you enjoy!

~Draco's POV~

It has been two weeks since Blaise and I became friends with Harry and Ron and we've learned a lot about each other and became a lot closer than I thought we would. We even started sitting with them at the Gryffindor table. At first there were a lot of stares and of course the occasional talk about why we would sit together but after a few days everyone seemed to move on to other things to talk about. It was dinner and I was in the mists of talking to Luna about head duties when Ginny and Hermione ran to the table with a big notebook

"Okay, so you guys know how it is almost Halloween" Ginny said squeezing in between Blaise and Harry while Hermione sat down next to Ron

"Ya, what about it?" Blaise asked while he was forced to scoot over from Ginny's pushing

"Well we wanted to do something fun for Halloween!" Hermione chimed in

"Exactly! And since this is our last year we thought that it would be fun to have a big Halloween Festival" Ginny said more excited than I have ever seen her with anything

"We even talked it over with Headmistress McGonagall and she seems to be on board with it too" Hermione said taking some food off of the trays.

"Ya it is," Ginny said taking a sip of Blaise's drink

"Hey that's mine" Blaise said

"Oh get over it" Ginny said putting food on her plate. I could see Blaise blushing like crazy making him gulp down his drink like he had never tasted water before.

"Anyways...that's what Headmistress McGonagall is going to be talking about tonight" Hermione said

Headmistress McGonagall then stood up; making everyone go silent "As you all know Halloween is coming up and I would personally like to see to it that we carry out a Halloween Festival. With everything that has happened from previous years, I would like for everyone to be able to enjoy themselves and have a marvelous time—If any of you would like to participate and help, then please talk to Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley,"

"Yay, now that it's official—I would like to congratulate Blaise, Ron, Draco and Harry for signing up to help set up and tear down for our festival" Ginny said while taking a pudding cup

"I never signed up for that" Blaise said

"Wow, I thought we were friends. Guess I'll just ask Erik to do it instead—and to think I almost made you head captain, what a shame," Ginny said while over dramatically poking her pudding cup.

"Wait! No I'll do it—I mean if you were gonna make me captain then I don't want you to have to go out of your way of finding a new one" Blaise said

"Nope—I already chose a new one" Ginny said putting a spoonful of pudding in her mouth

"What?" Blaise said budging his eyes

"I'm gonna choose Erik, I mean even before we were prefects we've always been pretty good friends" Ginny said as a matter of factly. Ron then looked confused before saying.

"No you haven' guys barely became friends last yea-"

Ginny then put her spoon full of pudding in his mouth making him gag a little while Hermione quickly gave him some water.

"No—me and Erik are really tight" She said with too much confidence.

"You would pick Erik over me—I'm way more stronger than he is" Blaise said trying to flex by Ginny

"You guys know I'm right here right?" Erik said as he was sitting right next to Blaise.

"Sorry Erik," Blaise said as he slightly put his head down "Here—take my good piece of meat. I was saving this for last, but for you I'll let it slide" he said placing one small piece of meat on Erik's plate.

"Thanks," Erik said looking over to Astrid who was sitting right across from him who just gave him a small smile (Author's note: For those of you who don't know or have forgotten. Astrid is the Slytherin Prefect and is happily dating Erik, the Gryffindor Prefect)

"Anyways—he's busy" Blaise said facing him "Aren't Ya" he said giving him a weird look in his eyes.

"Ya I guess—but I would like to help out though. But maybe you could give the captain title to Blaise—I mean he even gave me his good piece of meat" Erik said lifting up the piece of meat with his fork "Even though his good piece of meat seems to apparently also be the smallest one on his plate" he said as Astrid just sighed and rolled her eyes as she looked at the huge pile of meat on one of the trays in front of both of them.

"Then it's decided—I shall be the Head captain" Blaise said happily

"Ya thanks" Ginny said with a You-Are-Such-An-Idiot face and just continued "Now that we got that all figured out, what about you guys?" Ginny said facing Harry, Ron and I

Luna then looked up at me and gave me smile as if she was pleading for me to say yes.

" seems fun" I said making Luna smile even bigger.

"I'll help too" Harry said

"Man—do I have to?" Ron said while he was eating. Hermione then nudged him and he sighed "Fine—guess we'll all do it"

"Yay, Thanks a lot guys! Luna, Hermione and I will then be the event planners of this whole thing. Looks like we're gonna have to have another slumber party," Ginny said excitedly as I just thought (Crap...I'm gonna have to stay with Blaise again) I then looked at Blaise in horror as he just smiled while moving his eyebrows up and down. This was gonna suck...


Be on the Look out for our next couple of chapters that will be released tomorrow for our Halloween Series! Please like, comment and tell your friends, it would be much appreciated...Until We Meet Again...

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