Chapter XXXVII: Changing Players

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~Draco's POV~

-Eating Lunch in the Great Hall -

"I can't believe we are graduating tomorrow" Blaise said

"Yes, the year has passed by surprisingly fast" Luna said

"I'm really going to miss this place" Erik said

"Me too" Astrid said

"At least we'll all still be friends" Ginny said

"That's true....most of our jobs are in the ministry so we'll be seeing each other everyday" Hermione said

"It's gonna be weird not having to wake up to go to school" Blaise said

"Ya, instead you'll be getting up for your job" Erik said

"Please don't remind me....I feel like I just aged thirty years" Blaise said

"Since we don't have school we should all go down to the three broomsticks, since it's going to be our last day here" Harry said

"I'm in...My last cup of Butterbeer, it's all too sad" Blaise said

"Ya, I have to finish up my speech but I guess I can just do it there" I said

"You still haven't finished?" Erik said

"I didn't really know what to write" I said

"Have you finished Luna?" Cho asked

"I finished it Last Saturday" Luna said

"Isn't that when you got the assignment" Hermione asked

"It was quite easy for me" Luna said confidently

"Well, shall we go" Ron said getting up as we all followed.

~Walking to the Three Broomsticks~

"So Draco...." Ron said walking a bit slower

"Ya?" I said noticing that the girls were starting to get a good distance from us.

"So we've all been wondering but.... are you not telling Luna how you feel because you think she doesn't feel the same.... or because you don't think you deserve to be with her?" Ron asked as Blaise, Erik and Harry all looked over.....curious of my answer.

"W-what are you talking it's hot out today" I said scratching my head looking around.

"'s raining" Erik said

"Which I don't get...were at the beginning of June" I said avoiding my gaze from the guys.

"You are completely trying to dodge the question" Erik said

"I-I'm not" I said looking around

" are" Blaise said

"I'm not telling her because I just don't think she feels the same" I said wishing I would have avoided the question more.

"That's a bunch of bullox and you know that" Ron said

"It's know how Luna can be. She's extremely blunt, if she liked me, wouldn't she say so?" I said

"Maybe she never knew that was an option at all" Harry said

"I don't follow?" I asked

"Think about it...Luna may be blunt but she is also naïve in romantic situations. I don't think she knows that she could like you romantically." Harry said

"But how could she not know it's an option" Blaise asked

"She may think that Draco could never see her that way or maybe that Draco does not want a relationship at all" Erik said

"I don't you guys really think that could be the problem?" I asked

"You'll never know unless you ask" Ron said patting me on the back

~Luna POV~

"Hey Luna?" Cho asked

"Yes?" I replied

"I couldn't help but notice, but I don't think I have ever seen you with a boy other than the guys, let alone go on a date" Cho said

"I find it trivial" I said simply

"Isn't their anyone who you fancy?" Ginny asked

"What about Draco?" Hermione asked

"I do not understand your question?" I said unsure of what she was trying to say.

"Would you ever...ya know....go out with him?" Astrid asked

"I-I do not know...I hadn't thought of it" I said

"Never?" Ginny said

"No, it has never made a thought bubble in my head" I said

"Well if you were to think about it now....what exactly would you think?" Cho said

"I don't" I said not knowing if I should go any further with these thoughts I started creating in my head.

"What if he liked you" Ginny said

"I find that quite impossible" I said knowing that it was not true.

"But if it was" Hermione said a bit more persistently

"I guess I would be shocked" I said

"That's it?" Astrid said

"So you would just ask him to continue to just be friends with you?" Cho asked

"I don't think I would say that" I said not feeling that those would be the right words.

"Then what would you say?" Ginny said looking as if she was getting frustrated.

"That we should take things slow...I guess" I said thinking of other possible ways of putting it.

"So you don't want him as just a friend...but you aren't sure if you really want him as a boyfriend either?" Astrid asked

"That appears to be the conclusion" I said

"Well if you did like Draco.....I would tell him any feeling you may or may not have for him. Before anyone else tries to take him from you" Ginny said.

"Where would they take him?" I asked hoping that it wasn't dangerous.

"It was a figure of speech....she meant that another girl could try and make Draco their boyfriend" Hermione said

"How would you feel about that? If some other girl took Draco from you" Astrid said

"Well, it seems to be leaving a distasteful appeal to me" I said not knowing what these feelings meant.

"That means that you like him!" Ginny yelled looking a bit red....most likely of anger.

"You both are so well should really think about him more as a lover rather than just a friend" Astrid said

"Possibly...." I said looking back at Draco.


We hope you enjoyed!

....Until We Meet Again....

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