Chapter XXIII: Professors and Classes

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~Draco's POV~

We had come back from break and were enjoying our morning breakfast before the first day back at school started.

"Hey guys so what exactly do you think their going to make us do for our Muggle course?" Ron asked

"Hopefully nothing that takes much time...were already going to be drowning in our other studies so let's just hope their isn't much homework" Blaise said taking a sip of his water. We were talking for a bit longer...or maybe really long when Erik looked confused...

"Hey....were did everyone go?" Erik said looking around while we all did the same

"Crap! what time is it?" Blaise asked. Ginny then took Blaise's hand to check the time on his watch.

"Time to go!" Ginny said taking one last bite of her meal while Blaise was trying to carry as much food he could while we all ran to our classes.My first class was Transfiguration with Luna, Blaise, and Erik...

"Man, hurry it up you two....were gonna be late" Blaise said to Luna and I.

"If were late then were late!" I yelled while making sure Luna wouldn't get left behind...(Sigh...Draco can really be a Drama queen's just class...she would still end up in class....I just don't get it...sigh)

"Sorry...I'm a bit slow" Luna said running beside me.

"Don't worry about it" I said. We then finally arrived with a minute or two to spare noticing that some other students were just arriving as well...


After finishing up a couple more classes it hit lunch. I was walking in with Luna, Blaise and Erik talking about class when we sat down with everyone and started eating lunch.

"Hey what does everyone have for their last class" Blaise asked. We all looked at our schedule's again and said in complete unison ".....Muggled Minds..."

"...This is going to be interesting..." Harry said

"No kidding" Ron said


After lunch we all went to our classes...before we knew it we were all walking together to our last class of the day....Muggled Minds....

"Hello everyone....Welcome to my class, I am Professor Rory....Rory Williams...(Sorry....We had to...Doctor Who all the way! was either Rory or Nazuki from the anime Nazuki-kun....It's really good....just puttin it out there.^_^)

"This class is going to deepen your minds to the understanding of muggles...from their music to their social and daily activities. This is meant to be a fun class so their won't be much homework as this class is only for the seventh years. I want this to be an easy going class....but please make sure to do your best with each activity, as you will be graded in class on your participation." I could feel the relief from the whole class probably thinking the same thing as me....this is going to be my favorite class. I looked over to find Blaise almost flying in the air out of happiness...

(Author's Note:We understand that this should be taking place around 1997-1998 but we are going to change the time frame to today's year 2015-2016.....Why? well because we thought they would have more fun, and it would be easier to do daily activities and so forth... sorry in advance if your thinking "why is this such a different time period?" just kinda turned into this...I guess...Hope you still enjoy!)

"Today we are going to be talking about one of the most important things to know when going into the muggle world....which is money. The money is not the same as here in the wizarding world with knuts, Sickles, and Galleon's. Money in the muggle world is known as pounds. Pounds are-

(Author's Note: Sorry but we thought that explaining this would take a bit we didn't want anything to be off or not just think of Professor Rory giving a great speech..possibly in his Centurion outfit..talking about how money works in the muggle world;)


After class we were all heading towards the Grand Hall for dinner...

"That was pretty interesting" Erik said holding Astrid's hand

"Ya, my dad would flip if he got to go to this class" Ron said as Ginny nodded in agreement

"Hey what was the homework he gave us again....I forgot" Blaise said

"Already...we just left" Hermione said sighing while Blaise laughed in fear...probably of her...ever since what happened to my nose.....we've been a little distant.

"I think he said to just review Muggle money in our textbooks..." Harry said

"...Thanks, well at least we have a pretty cool teacher" Blaise said

"Professor Rory...or should I say Professor Smexy is really cute" Ginny said going into dream land

"What!?! think he's...cute...and the other thing you said" Blaise said blushing at just thinking of the other word

"You mean smexy...then yes...He's cute no?" Ginny said looking to Luna, Astrid, Hermione, and Cho.

"uuummm...."Hermione and Cho said while looking at both Ron and Harry as they looked to Ginny with an expression of 'Why did you ask that'

"I mean he's not bad looking" Astrid said as Erik looked as if he was starting to disintegrate...

"What about you Luna?" I asked as we were walking into the Grand Hall

"Hmm?" she asked as if she missed the whole conversation

"Do you think Professor Rory" I said realizing I couldn't say it either

"I do think that he is very nice"


"But I do not find him attractive in the romantic sense" Luna said as I probably glowed with happiness.

"Well isn't that just great for you" Erik and Blaise said looking depressed....

"Huh?" I said a bit confused

"....nothing" Blaise said grabbing a piece of chicken and stuffing it into his face...

"Hey...look it's Professor Rory....And he's sitting next to our new Defense against the arts teacher....Professor Amy Pond....(....0.0....I had to....)

"Wow....he looks a bit pale....ya think he's okay?" Erik said noticing that he was indeed a lot more pale ever since he sat down next to Professor Pond.

"Hmm....he looks kinda lonely" Blaise said

"....and...she's...kinda ignoring him..." Ginny said

"Hmmm" Luna said as if she already knew of their future

"Well we should probably go study....dinner is about to end soon anyways" Harry said

"You guys want to go in the Library?" Erik asked

"Sure" Everyone said. We all then studied for a couple hours....even though we really were mainly was our first day back so we didn't get much homework, thankfully. We all then went back up to our rooms and Luna and I talked a bit to Dumbledore and even Professor Snape for a little bit like we usually did last semester. When we went to our rooms Luna turned before she went into her room

"Goodnight Draco"

"Goodnight Luna...see you in the morning" I said as she lightly smiled and closed her door...


Do you like our newest edition....Professor Rory and Professor Pond! We hope you have enjoyed this chapter...Until Next Time....

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