Chapter X: Mad House

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Ghosts and Goblins, Spooks Galore, scary witches at your door, Jack-O-Lantern smiling bright, wishing you a Haunting Night....This is the next part of our Halloween series. We hope you enjoy!

~Luna POV~

It has been a very hectic week as we have all gathered together to work on the Halloween Festival. I think everyone is going mad trying to get everything ready in time. Ginny has been mainly busy with telling Draco, Blaise, Harry and Ron what to do as Hermione has been focusing on getting decorations prepared. I occasionally see Headmistress McGonagall with some teachers that look around at what we're doing, but for some reason I sense that they are planning something else but maybe it's just me...

"Hey Luna, could you hand me that nail right on the table please" Draco said as he stood on a stool putting up a Halloween banner

"This one" I said holding up a box of nails

"Ya thanks, Ginny and Hermione came to the conclusion that it would be more fun if we did everything the muggle way. Thankfully I know how to do this compared to Erik....Astrid and Blaise had to help him understand the whole concept of a hammer and nail" Draco said hammering the banner up (Author's Note: Erik is a pureblood, just in case you couldn't tell;)

"Is there anything else I could help you with?" I asked as he jumped off from the stool

"You could help me with the rest of the takes a lot longer when you have to go up and down a stool to make sure the banners look somewhat center. I tried using magic but she put a charm on the area, making it a magic free zone. It's a pain in the butt how serious she is about no magic but if you could just stay by my side it would be a lot easier.

"Sure" I said. I was really happy when he asked me to stay by his side. I wonder why my stomach feels weird again though....


We put up the decorations with a lot of incidents in between. Blaise had caught on fire when he thought Ginny would like a firework display. He was convinced that he bought fireworks when Draco looked at the box after Blaise's incident and read DYNAMITE in big bold letters. Then Ron and Blaise lost all of the balloons, and after about an hour of searching the balloons had shown the sky. Lastly Blaise and Ginny started fighting about how getting real zombies to come would be impossible. Blaise tried to convince Ginny that we could wake up the dead like in the movies and she just slapped her face with her hand in disbelief that he even believes that could work. While I on the other hand thought it could be a possibility until Draco just shook his head at me. About a couple days before the festival, the whole gang went to find costumes. Surprisingly we went to muggle stores and picked out our costumes there. Harry and Hermione were having a tough time with Blaise and Draco as they were asking questions like "Who would want to be a hot dog?" and Asking if the supposedly Scream mask guy that Hermione told me about was an uglier version of a dementor.


~Draco POV~

Today is Halloween and all of the last minute decorations have been set up and all of our classes have finally come to an end. The gang all separated into their rightful dorms to go get their costumes on. Luna and I went to our room when we were once again stopped by Dumbledore and Snape.

"Getting ready for the festival I see" Dumbledore said

"Yes, isn't it wonderful?" Luna asked dreamily

"Wonderful? What's so wonderful about getting dressed up in costumes that look absolutely ridiculous and dancing like a bunch of hooligans" Snape said glaring down at us....

"Oh would you please stop with all of the negativity? You should be more cheerful and have a positive outlook on things" Dumbledore said

"Positive? What is there to be positive about? Were dead in case you forgot...Therefore I can do as I please" Snape said turning his head away from us

"I see, well if you would like to be negative then please stay out of our conversations from now on....we are a negative free zone" Dumbledore said. Both Luna and I just shook our heads. This happened every time we would come or leave our room...They would always end up arguing about anything and everything. But strangely enough it felt as if they liked each other's company more and more with every fight, even Snape. They were like two brother's fighting over a toy. You could see they cared for each other like family, but still fought over stupid things.

"Then please feel free to move me to the attic where I will finally get some rest around here" Snape replied

"If that's what you want..." Dumbledore started saying slowly while he drifted his eyes out the window on his side.

"I've wanted that for over three months now!" Snape said angrily

"I'm sorry Snape but as you can clearly see I am right next to do not need to yell" Dumbledore said calmly. As Snape on the other hand had never looked more red from anger....He looked as if he was ready to explode into a million pieces.

"Oh, I am truly sorry. Did you both need to enter" Dumbledore asked facing us with a smile

"No they came here for biscuits and tea.......OFCOURSE THEY CAME TO ENTER YOU DAFT OLD MAN!" Snape said even more outraged then when Harry would ask him questions in potions class.

"I'm sorry but I do not seem to be talking to you....And again with the yelling....were all right here Snape, there's no need to yell" Dumbledore said opening the door

"We'll just be going now" I said grabbing Luna's arm and dragging her in the room. Although I could still probably hear them from a mile away with all of their bickering.

"Well I think they could use some counseling" Luna said sitting on the couch

"I think that would make it worse" I said sitting on the couch next to Luna. After about fifteen minutes of talking about the Halloween festival and some of our classes I sighed knowing that we couldn't sit and talk forever "Well we should probably get changed now" I said getting up

"Oh yes we most likely should" Luna said doing the same. We both then walked into our rooms. I then took out my costume and shook my head.This is going to be a long night.....


We will be releasing our next chapter for this Halloween series hopefully tomorrow so be on the lookout for it....Until We Meet Again.....

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