Chapter XXXIII: Man Up

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Hello, it has been so long and we are so sorry but we have recebtly graduated and we have been doing a lot. We will try to post more often now that we are back to a semi-normal schedule. And lastly.....THANK YOU SOO much to our Fans. You guys are so amazing for letting us reach almost 10k on our story. Thank you all for reading it, it means so much to us. Before this becomes a freaking novel lets start the chapter....hope you enjoy!

~Draco's POV~

I was heading downstairs with Luna for breakfast when Headmistress McGonagall asked for us in her office.

"Hello, I wanted to talk to both of you about your Graduation, one week from today. Now I would like if you both would create a speech for all of your fellow seventh years at the end of the ceremony. I would like it to represent how you felt about this last year and to also give some encouraging words to the students. You both can write separate speeches or you can make one for the both of you. Length does not matter as this is not an assignment but a farewell letter to Hogwarts and your fellow classmates. I know you two will make me may leave now." McGonagall said starting on a pile of papers in front of her. Luna and I walked out and headed back to the Great Hall.

"Hey guys, why are you so late?" harry said 

"What were you guys doin?" Blaise said weirdly moving his eyebrows

"We were talking to Miss. McGonagall" Luna said sitting down as I hit Blaise on the back of his head, mouthing to knock it off.

"What about?" Hermione said

"She wants us to make a speech for our Graduation" I said

"That sucks" Ron said

"I know" I said as I bit into my apple

"I am quite excited about it" Luna said

" too" I said as the guys looked at me with that "You really need to step up your game or the girl you love will never notice you as anything other than a friend and you will end up all alone face"

"Well if you need any help with it...or ya know.... give it a test run before you embarrass yourself in front of everyone.... we're here" Erik said

"Thanks for that but'll just have to wait" I said. We eventually went on our way to class.

"We should probably start on the speech" Luna said as we were walking to our next class.

"Ya, maybe we could go to the three broomsticks and talk it over?" I asked

"That sounds wonderful" Luna said

"Really" I said probably too excited

"Really, Really" Familiar voices said from behind me.....of course....out of everyone in the whole was Blaise and Erik.

"Would you give me a moment Luna?" I asked

"Of course, I will meet you in class" she said skipping off

"Why is it that you two are always around at the most crucial times?"

"It's a gift" Blaise said

"Technically Blaise dragged me over here" Erik said

"Don't you two have class?"

"No, we have a free period" Blaise said

"And when did you two become best friends?"

"A couple weeks ago"

"Forever" Erik and Blaise said at the same time

"That hurts Erik"

"Just being honest"

"I'm going to be there something important you need to tell me?"

"I know this is scary for you....but you really need to tell Luna how you feel about her" Erik said

"This whole year you made so little's a little sad" Blaise said

"First of all, I have made great progress. Even if we are friends that is a huge leap from previous years. And second. Look where you are Blaise....if you haven't noticed you have made absolutely no progress whatsoever...I don't even think she considers you an acquaintance let alone a friend."

"IT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! She is like a monster that I am for some reason attracted too, but no matter what I do she insist that I want the worst for her and everyone around least Luna is nice."

"You both need to get it together. In one week we are all leaving....that means that in one week you both need to grow up, be a man and tell the girls you love that your feelings are above anyone else's." Erik said

"FINE!" I said "I will tell her when we go to the three broomsticks tonight"

"Good for get em" Blaise said and Erik and I just stared at him

"Wow" Erik said

"You are such a coward....." I said

"Alright, alright.....I will tell her." Blaise said in defeat

"Crap.....I'm gonna be late" I said running for my life


After class Luna and I decided to walk to the Three Broomsticks.

"Alright so what do you want to start with?" I asked getting out my quilt and some paper.

"I think that we should do it separately"

"Oh...ya me too" I said a bit sad

"I still want us to write it together so that we can help each other though"

"Sounds good" I said as I brought out a quilt and some paper for her. We started talking about good starters when I suddenly felt as if someone was watching us

"I'll be right back" I said as Luna looked up at me from drinking her Butterbeer.

"Is something wrong?" Luna asked taking another sip of her Butterbeer

"No, I just need to go look for something" I said

"Can I help?" She asked putting her drink on the table

"No, just stay here. I'll be right back" I said wiping the foam from the Butterbeer off of her face.

"Okay" Luna said looking a bit confused. I went outside to see...of course out of everyone.


....Until We Meet Again....

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