Chapter XIII: A Potion for Ten

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~Draco's POV~

Immediately when we heard the note we all went down to the dungeons. The first room we looked in was potions but nothing or no one was there. We were searching through every room until we finally found one.

None of us had ever been in it though...not even Harry. And that is saying something considering he goes everywhere in the castle.

Right when we entered we heard A voice. Oh crap...

"Well, well, well...not only do we have the golden trio and perfects but the Head boy and Head girl. Isn't this exciting," I knew that voice too well to even need to look. It was none other than the great Professor Snape.

"Why are you here?" Blaise asked confused

"To supervise...not that I could do or would want to do much if you all decided to blow yourselves up," He said annoyed

"I do not understand why you're so negative," We all looked and saw a picture right across from was Dumbledore.

"I would more likely care to ask why you are here. I get more than enough of your ranting," Snape spat

"Oh, don't be so harsh. I would like us to bound more...wouldn't you?"

"NO...I would not" Snape said as he was starting to fume up

"Over here!" Hermione said walking over to a podium. We all looked and saw two envelopes. Hermione picked one up and started to read it out loud

"You all must work together to complete the potion given. When you are finished you must present it to Professor Snape for grading. Only then will you be able to move on to the next task."

"Why isn't professor Slughorn here instead?" Erik Asked a bit confused

"He is in the Great Hall," Dumbledore said

"Yes, he's out stuffing his face while I have the great joy of babysitting you all so you don't die," Snape said aggravated

"A-awesome,"Blaise said slowly. Hermione just ignored their little conversation and read over the letter.

"It doesn't say what the potion we will just have to do what it says and hope for the best," she said

"Alright, first we need three cloven figs," Cho said reading off the ingredients listed.


It was absolutely terrible trying to make the potion with all of us handcuffed together.  We all had to be paired together and just work on our own thing until it was our turn to put our ingredients in.

A group of fifth years came in about ten minutes later and had much more trouble with the potion. Even though we were the ones handcuffed together.

Snape also wasn't the nicest company as his picture was on their side of the room while we had Dumbledore. Of course we still heard Snape, but we all just tried to block him out.

"We're finally done," Astrid said

"Fina-friken-ly" Erik said rubbing his neck. Harry brought the cauldron to Professor Snape's picture and waited for his reply...and boy did we wait.

"Well, it seems to look good, but I'm not sure. All of you...drink it," Snape spat

"Umm...sure thing" Ginny said. One by one we all took it.

"You know I remember. I think it should be fine now," Snape said with a smug look on his face...When suddenly

"Why can't I see anything?" Hermione said

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