Chapter 2 ~ Hired

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"I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine."

- Fritz Perls

[Midas POV]

I tilted the sniper-rifle slightly to my left as I kept looking through the telescopic sight with my right eye. I knew I could make the shot even without the scope, because the distance wasn't that far, but I liked the slight weight it put on the rifle.

That's the thing about me; I always do as I please. Others can try to give me orders all they want, but if they actually want my services, then they better let me do it my own damn way.

I don't take orders.

I just let people think that I do, to make them more comfortable with hiring me. Don't get me wrong though, I always go through with the job they give me if I've agreed to do it, just not... you know... on their terms. For example if someone wants me to kill someone, I don't listen to all the crap about where and when they want this person dead. I simply kill them.

Maybe when they take a walk in the park, maybe when they decide to take a shower or maybe I just kill them in their sleep. It doesn't matter really. What matters is that I kill them as I see fit.

Spontaneous or well-planned, loudly or silently, gently or with force... I have done it all. Though I must say I prefer knives and a victim that puts up a little fight. It makes the killing more satisfying.

I'm not an evil person. I'm really not. I only accept 'killing-jobs', as I call them, if I know for a fact that the person I'm killing deserves it. They can be gangsters, murderers or rapists. I don't care as long as they have done something that mustn't go unpunished. I guess you could call me a vigilante in a way.

I know what you're thinking now.

'Well everybody deserves a second chance'.

But you're wrong. Some people just don't deserve to live and that's it.

I am what most people call a 'Fixer'. I'm the person you call if you have messed up big time and you need a way out. I'm not only a contract killer because I can do a lot of things. I can help blackmail, threaten or scare people. I can help you get rid of evidence if you've done something you shouldn't have and I can of course make people simply... disappear. Or as most people call it, kidnap them.

I'm good at getting information out of people too because I'm specifically trained in the art of torture. Close combat is my forte, and like I said earlier, knife-battles are what I prefer nine out of ten times. You can do a wide range of different things with them. You can for example scratch, graze, stab, skin, kill or torture someone with one simple knife.

But that's of course only if you know what you're doing and trust me, most people don't.

My target was on the move. I had zoned out for only a second but by now the man I was hired to kill had changed position and I cursed silently. Don't be silly, I hadn't lost the opportunity to shoot him but it was a stupid mistake.

Though I was a professional not even I had the strength to fight basic human behavior. I was tired. I hadn't slept in 48 hours and my body could only take as much. I sighed and rolled my shoulders backwards slightly. I better put an end to this before I fell asleep for real.

I kept perfectly still as I took aim, cocked the safety and pressed my finger against the trigger. The bullet shot through the air, smashed the forth window on the building on the other side of the road and buried itself in the center of the man's forehead. I doubt he even had the time to realize what 'hit him'. In one moment he was sitting in his chair, typing away on his computer, and in the next he was... dead.

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