Chapter 31 ~ Fever and hot soup

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"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin."

- H. L. Mencken

[River's POV]

Hot. Everything was so fucking hot.

I stirred in my sleep, unable... or more likely, unwilling to open my eyes for a few moments. When I finally did, I came face to face with Midas and I had to blink a few times before I realized that I was snuggling against him, my body pressed against his under the cover. I quickly went to pull away but I didn't get far as something cold clenched around my left wrist.

What the hell...?

I stared at the handcuffs fastened between Midas hand and mine and then I smirked. He sure wasn't an idiot this man...

I tried pulling a bit on the cuffs but realized that it wasn't such a good idea as Midas groaned and moved against me. A second later I was met with his mesmerizing gaze and I stared at him as he blinked adorably at me. How could someone look so harmless and be the total opposite?

"This is an improvement." He said, his voice raspy from sleeping just a second ago. He sounded satisfied though and I couldn't help feeling a bit cheated as I sat up beside him. I avoided his gaze as I looked around for a clock and when my eyes landed on the alarm clock standing on the drawer beside the bed my eyes widened a fraction.

"Holy hell she's already ten o'clock!" I groaned as a picture of Mei's face flashed before my eyes. What the hell was I doing spending time in bed when I should be out searching for her?

Wait... what?

Was I even searching for her in the first place? I mean I didn't care about other people so why should I even bother with her? She was old and likely to die soon anyway... oh okay maybe not that old but you get the memo. Why did I bother?

The answer was simple. Because I cared. And it was driving me crazy.

I sighed and tugged a hand through my hair in frustration. Someday these feelings would be the death of me.

"Will you let me loose?" I asked, shifting my eyes to Midas. He gave me a small smile as he tilted his head to the side and seemed to contemplate my question. What? He expected me to be tied to him forever? Fucking impossible!

"I don't have the key. It's on the floor over there." He finally said, my eyes following his finger as he pointed at something lying on the floor over by the door. I couldn't help the frown that turned my facial expression into a grimace.

"Why the hell would you throw it all the way over there?" I whined, my voice annoyed as I tugged at the cuff connecting our hands. Before I knew it Midas roughly pulled back on the cuffs and because I wasn't ready for it I lost my balance and fell back against him. He quickly closed his arms around me from behind and buried his nose in the crook of my neck. I froze as his hands brushed up along my chest and his breath hit the sensitive skin on my neck. When I shivered I could hear Midas let out a soft chuckle behind me.

"Because I wanted to be able to do this. I prefer waking up beside you River not without you." He whispered as his lips found my earlobe. My eyes drifted close on their own accord as Midas flicked his tongue out and nibbled playfully at the skin below my ear.

I don't know why I felt the need to stay where I was or why I didn't felt like fighting him. Maybe I was getting sick or something? It was only when a deep sigh escaped me and I slumped back to lean against Midas that he stopped teasing me and put his wrist against my forehead.

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