Chapter 29 ~ Toys and orders

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"Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which at least others can learn from."

- Al Franken

[River's POV]

The ride back to the hotel room wasn't exactly the most pleasant I had experienced in my life so far. Needless to say that Midas had gone back to his usual angry state of mind while the priest spent his time staring at Gabriel who in turn stared at Seth who was playing with some kind of rope hanging from the roof in the taxi. The only one actually remaining calm and considerably normal was Tony. Yes I am as surprised as you are...

"Soo... what now?" Seth suddenly asked, directing his gaze at me for some strange reason. Well I was the one that usually decided what we were supposed to do. I could have done that now too if it hadn't been for the fact that they weren't supposed to have found me this fast.

I had planned on getting information out of the assassin at the bomb-area and then have time to follow the lead too. Instead I killed the guy before I had time to ask him about Mei and then on top of that these guys found me. Now I was stuck with them again and if that wasn't enough I also had a stupid tracking-device stuck inside my neck...


"Don't look at me. I had a perfect plan until you decided to ruin it..." I muttered and I immediately felt Midas shift beside me. He sent me a glare and huffed before he opened his mouth and said with a dry tone:

"Well I guess killing the only source of information we could have had was all part of this grand plan of yours then?"

I had to bite down on my own lip to prevent myself from cursing at him for being so arrogant. He could be so annoying! Instead I settled for a glare in his direction before I turned my head away and looked out the window the rest of the way. If he was going to be like that I wouldn't talk to him that's for sure...

[Twenty minutes later, outside The Burning Flower]

Midas had his hand wrapped tightly around my arm as we walked up to the hotel and I couldn't help but drag my feet a little. He treated me like he thought I would run away and maybe I should? Nah... suddenly taking of down the sidewalk would probably just be worthless when I would have to stop for people, cars and other obstacles every few meter or so. Then again... loosing someone in rush-hour were often easier...

"Don't even think about it." Midas growled from beside me as he tightened his grip around my arm even more. I guess my pokerface hadn't been the best right now. I smiled innocently at him in an attempt to look more convincing as I answered:

"I would never even consider it my little bunny."

Midas shot me a sideways glance but he didn't say anything more as he kept pulling me along. We entered the elevators without any incidents and Midas didn't bother to turn to Gabriel until the doors had closed behind us.

"I'll take River to my room. It's a floor above his if you want to know though I expect you not to disturb us until I say you can. That goes for all of you. Understood?" He said in a firm tone.

I could see that Gabriel wanted to protest but after a single glare from Midas he shut his mouth again and just nodded his consent. I stayed silent too because I knew that there wasn't much I could do to change his mind right now. I just had to hope he wouldn't kill me as soon as we entered his room.

We reached Gabriel, Seth and Tony's floor first and after a quick glance our way Matheus stepped out after Gabriel and the doors slid back again. The elevator began to rise once again and I could have sworn the tension in the air around us now that we were alone was rising in time with the elevator. To be honest I was hesitant to even breathe in Midas direction. I mean I wouldn't have been surprised if he had killed me for it.

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