Chapter 4 ~ Decent enough

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"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, sinners are much more fun."

- Billy Joel

[Midas POV]

I had only watched him for three days and I was already intrigued by him. Had he not been the person I knew he was, I might even have thought about confronting him by now. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to size him up and understand him. I wanted to know his secrets.

River Adam Kingsley really was an admirable person.

Dangerous? Yes. But admirable nonetheless.

I had already seen him talking and interacting with several powerful and not so powerful people. Some of them he talked to, some of them he simply acknowledged and some of them he outright ignored. He wasn't kind. No, kind wasn't a word suited for this man... or boy rather. He was only twenty-one after all.

Anyhow, kind wasn't a word suited for him, but decent was. I hadn't once seen him behaving outrageous or unconscionable. Sure he could be what some people would call provoking, or even infuriating, but he was a young multibillionaire after all. I mean who wouldn't be somewhat acting 'high and mighty' by the fact of it? My guess would be no one really.

I hadn't only watched the boy socialize though. I had followed him on his way to and from work too and even when he worked I was there to watch him go through his day. This was my way of learning more about the person I would kill. It helped to know details about your victim if you somehow ended up screwing up something connected to the job.

Not that it had ever happened to me.

But well someday would be my first and I didn't plan on leaving anything to chance this time. River Kingsley was too dangerous for that and I would not underestimate him.

Not when it would end up getting me killed if I did.

I had been shocked when I read through the file that the people who had hired me had sent. I had read about this... kid who had killed his way through his childhood and I had been baffled. The kid had become an assassin without remorse and boundaries at the age of fourteen. He had become a killing machine and then one day, at the age of eighteen, he had simply... disappeared. I had read the name of this kid and seen his picture but I still had a hard time believing it.

This kid was no other than River Adam Kingsley.

The multibillionaire.

The playboy.

The city's hottest gossip topic.

The highest regarded businessman trading the waters of the business world.

This man... this boy was an assassin, a murderer, a killer and yes, I had been shocked. Who wouldn't have been?

Now when I think about it I guess I had been fooled along with the rest of the world. I had assumed that I knew all about River Kingsley, but all I had ever really known was the front he had put up to disguise the real River Kingsley. The killer behind the mask of a businessman.

How amusing.

I hadn't decided exactly how I was going to kill him yet. I was only sure about one thing. I would do it in person. No guns or bombs, no bow and arrow, no nothing. I would not kill him from afar. I would get up and kill him close and personal and I was indeed looking forward to it. I was almost vibrating with excitement when I watched him go about his day and it surprised me. I rarely felt pleasure in taking someone's life, even if they were in fact 'evil' persons, but this time felt different.

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