Chapter 20 ~ Holding back?

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"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."

- Oscar Wilde

[Midas POV]

This guy was far too cocky for his own good.

I mean, did he really have to be so close to River?

I don't know why it had bothered me when he had studied River before... it just had and I hadn't been able to stop myself from addressing him as mine. Shit, this was getting out of hand... I mean now I couldn't even stand to see someone other than me look at him? How fucked up was that?! I mean I know I'm possessive of things I consider mine but this was too much even for me. The boy wasn't even mine, technically...

"Interesting... and what would you give me in return I wonder?" The priest asked in an amused tone of voice and I watched him as he kept his eyes steadily on River.

"Well I could guess, but it would be easier if you just told me what it is that you want Matheus." River answered and I had to clench my fists tightly when the boy put his hands on the priest's desk and leaned closer to him.

I wanted to storm over and just rip him back and crush him against my chest as I growled at the man behind the desk. He was far too composed and I really hated to see River so close to a man other than myself.

I had to get a grip or I would seriously do something I'd later regret.

"I kind of like the thought of having River Kingsley indebted to me..." Matheus said, seemingly lost in thoughts. I watched as River clenched and unclenched his fists in an annoyed gesture and I sighed as I stepped up to him.

When I placed a hand on his shoulder he snapped his gaze in my direction and gave my hand a nasty look as if the feeling of it bothered him. Well too bad, I wasn't going to remove it until I was sure he wasn't about to blow up and start destroying things. Yeah, it had looked like he was about to do that.

"Ever heard the name Peter Norwell?" Matheus suddenly said, resting his eyes on River.

"Yes." River said in a flat tone as he turned his gaze on the priest, raising a single eyebrow in question. I couldn't help but notice that he hadn't brushed or slapped my hand away yet... hm... interesting.

Matheus gave him a small smile as he took a hold of the glass-container River had put on his desk and then he threw it into the air and let it fall back down into his hand again. He repeated the process for a while and I admit even I was beginning to lose my patience. This man really knew how to aggravate people.

"Well... I would consider us even if you'll dispose of him quietly." Matheus finally said and I could feel my eyes widen slightly.

A contract murder? Really...?

"Deal." River said from beside me without even hesitating and I shot him a dark gaze.

"Absolutely not. Forget it." I said in a firm voice and I could feel both men turn their eyes on me. They looked like they found it really strange that I wouldn't agree but I would never let them go through with something like that.

Okay maybe you think that I'm being a hypocrite now? But let me once again remind you of the fact that I do not, and I repeat, I do not kill innocent people. I would never do something as outrageous as kill an innocent guy and send him to his grave earlier than planned.

I had chosen not to go through with killing River (even though the urge was still there fairly often...) and that meant that I was now responsible for all the lives he could decide to take. I was not going to get innocent blood on my hands... there was no way I'd let him kill that man!

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