Chapter 11 ~ Brewing feelings and bleeding men

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"It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place."

- H. L. Mencken

[River's POV]

I had finally returned to my hotel room after an hour of having stupid doctors and scary nurses hovering over me. I felt like I could finally breathe again and if it hadn't been for my three annoying bodyguards it would have been perfect.

The doctor had wanted me to stay the night but I had refused. If I had been forced to spend another minute in that white and ugly room I would have killed the doctor and thrown his body out through the window screaming: 'An apple a day, keeps the doctor away is apparently all just a big fucking lie, huh!?'

That would not have been pleasant to witness for the people on the street below I can assure you...

"You shouldn't stand up." Gabriel's disapproving voice awoke me from my disturbing thoughts. I swallowed the annoyance and thought about how he would react if I was to tell him what I had just been thinking of.

"I can do as I please, thank you." I answered monotony as I contemplated witch box to choose.

"Eeny meeny miny moe..." I counted aloud.

"I'm fairly sure you shouldn't drink tea either." He said in an irritated tone.

I snapped.

I whirled around and brought the empty teacup down on the kitchen table where Gabriel was sitting with Tony and Seth. The cup held but the sound made them all jump and look at me. Good.

"Now listen here you three. I don't care what you think or what you do. I don't care if you talk until you lose your voices or if you shut the fuck up. I don't try to tell you what to do and I expect you to do the same for me. I let you be around me as long as you don't start thinking that you can dictate my life and tell me what to do. The day when you start to think that you can, is the same day you will wake up with your body parts scattered all around you. Is that understood?!" I yelled at the three, now shocked, men sitting before me.

I almost never raised my voice but just now I had felt all the built up irritation and anger force me to lose control. Though, as soon as I had said the things I wanted I immediately felt my body relax and I let out a loud sigh.

"Now if you don't mind I want you to leave my apartment so that I can enjoy a cup of tea by myself... please." I said in a now soft voice. I had added the 'please' because I knew that Gabriel would get angry but at least that would probably reduce his anger a bit.

Oh how wrong you can be.

"What the hell do you mean by that... you little piece of... you fucking... I can't... I will... I just..." Gabriel was spitting half-finished sentences at me and I could almost see the steam blowing out from his ears as it does in those old cartoons you know.

His face was quickly transforming into a mask of fury and if I hadn't known better I would say that he was about to kill me. Fancy that huh! Hilarious! I could barely refrain from laughing.

"Calm down Gabriel please!" Seth had jumped between us when Gabriel had risen from his seat and taken a threatening step towards me. Seth kept his back towards me and I took the opportunity to give Gabriel a wide smirk over his shoulder. It seemed like he didn't appreciate that.

"Ahhhg move and let me kill him!!" Gabriel shouted and I grimaced at the loud noise. I tilted my head slightly and gave him my most serious look as I said in a lecturing tone:

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