Chapter 25 ~ Too young

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"I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves. They didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't."

- Marilyn Monroe

[River's POV]

An hour.

A whole fucking hour until he had finally let me come and believe me that hadn't been it. No, the monster hadn't been satisfied before he had spent another two hours doing me.

I had lost count on how many times he had made me come when he finally untied me and let me catch my breath. Trust me when I say I had been angry enough to literally kill him with my bare hands. Unfortunately I had been too tired to even move and the only thing I had been able to do was roll over on my side and pass out in the blink of an eye.

Needless to say I was in a bad mood when I woke up the next morning and realized the asshole was spooning me from behind, with an arm loosely wrapped around my waist...

I hated him, really hated him from the bottom of my pitch-black soul.

I threw an eye on Midas face without moving too much and felt satisfied when I noticed that he was still asleep. At least something was going my way.

Gently, and without so much as a whisper, I ducked my head under his arm and slowly pulled away from him. I crawled to the side of the bed and made sure I hadn't awaken him before I dropped my feet on the floor and proceeded to stand up. I should not have done that...

Before I realized it my legs gave way and I tumbled to the floor just as an incomparable pain shot from my lower back and up throughout my body. I saw white for a second and I had to bite my own lip not to yell out as I kneeled on the floor by the bed. My ass throbbed painfully and I had to take a moment to gather my wits before I could even try to stand again with the help of the nightstand.

When I had finally risen I silently breathed in and out to gather some strength to move my feet. I sent Midas a scorching glare and I was seriously surprised to see that the bastard was still sound asleep, looking like he had no worries whatsoever. If I could have burned him to ashes where he was, believe me I would have.

This time, a lot more carefully, I made my way over to my closet and silently pulled it open. I reached for a pair of pants, some new boxers and a decent enough shirt, before I slowly turned my eyes on a box in the far corner of the closet. I allowed myself a moment of satisfaction over the fact that I had decided to invest in that and then I quickly pulled it towards me. I grabbed the metallic item and smirked to myself.

I turned on my heels and silently slipped back towards the bed. I went around to Midas side and studied him for a second.

He was still fast asleep with his head on one of my pillows and his hair sprawled out around his face like some kind of black halo. His expression was rid of all tension and he looked so unguarded in comparison to how he usually looked. I found myself staring at his lips and then the exposed skin he was showing because of the fact that the covers had slipped of him somewhat. I was surprised to realize that I actually liked his appearance. I liked how he looked, sprawled out on my bed, in my hotel room.

He was a masterpiece only a few people got the chance to see. He was a puzzle only a few could solve and he was... truly beautiful.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and then I quickly leaned down and attached the cold metal-item to his left hand. The handcuff clicked in place and I wasted no time as I pulled his arm up so I could wrap the metall around the bars above the bed and then attach the other cuff to his right arm. When I was done I took a single step back so I could study my work and I smiled at the sight of him still asleep but now with no chance of escape.

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