Chapter 30 ~ Mean

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"Sleep my little baby-oh sleep until you waken. When you wake you'll see the world if I'm not mistaken. Kiss a lover. Dance a measure, find your name and buried treasure. Face your life, its pain, its pleasure. Leave no path untaken."

- Neil Gaiman

[Midas POV]

River was at the brink of exhaustion and I knew it. He wasn't even fighting me any longer and I was satisfied that I had made him submit, although with quite some trouble. He was stubborn and tough and I knew he wouldn't break from just this, but that wasn't the point either. The point was to make him realize just how wrong he was to think that he would get away with leaving me in the dust. This was a punishment and it was supposed to teach him a lesson.

"You want me to let you come princess?" I said, trying to avoid sounding too out of breath myself. This was affecting me too of course and it was difficult to hold back my own release when he looked this helpless.

I could feel my lips pull into a small grin as the boy jerked his head up and down, his body shivering somewhat against me. Stubborn or not, this punishment was getting the best of him and both River and I knew it.

I reached my hand out and took a hold of his cock, stroking him a few times before I slowly removed the cock-ring.

The muffled groan, the sight of River throwing his head back and the fact that his body trembled and clamped down on me made my own release take a hold of my body. I shivered against the boy as he kept clenching around me almost painfully and when he finally came down from his high, his hands simply hanged in the air uselessly, the chains being the only thing that prevented him from falling forward.

When I had calmed down somewhat I pulled out of him, making him groan again and then I moved away from him. I rose from the bed and made my way over to a mechanism on the wall over by the door. With the flick of a switch I lowered River's hands down slowly. He didn't even have the strength to hold them up by himself so when I released the cuffs from the hook above his head the boy fell down against the covers, his body trembling.

I unlocked the cuffs around his hands and removed the ball-gag, throwing them both to the side as I climbed up on the bed again and pulled River's not so functional body into my lap.

I didn't know what I had expected when I removed the blindfold from his eyes but it sure wasn't to be thrown a death glare. River's eyes were a bit red from the tears and they held a certain tiredness but that was to be expected. What wasn't though was the fury his gaze held.

"Y-you..." River hissed but when his voice broke from not having been used for a while he stopped speaking and couched instead, throwing a glare my way as I chuckled.

"You... are so... so... mean." He finally said, frowning at his own words. I guess I was a bit surprised too. I had expected to be yelled at.

"That's all you have to say?" I said, laughing as he groaned and a blush slowly made its way onto his face. I couldn't help it as I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss and then hastily pulled back as he tried, but failed to hit me. He was still tired enough to not be able to lay his hands on me and I loved it. That and the look his face held when he glared at me now.

"Come here so I can kill you..." He growled at me, narrowing his eyes as I let out an amused laugh.

"Tss... we both know you don't have the strength to do that right now precious." I answered, my voice a bit taunting as I smirked at his angry face.

"Wanna bet...?" I could hear him mutter and my smirk grew even wider. He was adorable.

"Come here pouty-pants." I said, opening my arms as I gestured for him to crawl over to me. River sent me a deathly glare but when I simply raised an eyebrow and let my eyes stray towards the handcuffs on the floor I could hear him curse lowly. Without a word he pulled himself over to where I was, his movements a bit strained as he clenched his teeth together and grimaced slightly.

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