Chapter 3 ~ Disposing of a dead body

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"One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us."

- Kurt Vonnegut

[River's POV]

"River my darling, how have you been?" The elderly woman standing before me on the other side of the opened door moved her gaze all over my body, studying it thoroughly. I smiled slightly at the worried expression placed upon her still beautiful face as I bowed neatly.

"No need to worry about me, Mei. Both you and I know very well that I can take care of myself, don't we?"

I winked at her when I straightened up and her sharp eyes narrowed at my smiling face.

"Yes I do know that but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it, does it?" She said as she tapped my shoulder lightly and pulled me into a gentle embrace.

Although I didn't let myself get too attached to other people there had come to be some exceptions over the years, Mei being one of them. I had first met her as I had just taken over the company and she had been the only one that could take me down. No, I don't mean that she had beaten me physically but she had been the only one to stand against my unapproachable attitude. She had persisted upon looking after my every need and she wouldn't let herself get affected by my coldness. She had decided to stay with me as my own personal housekeeper and as a result I had come to warm up towards her slightly and I knew that she cared about me just as I nowadays cared about her.

Due to the fact that she was now sixty-seven years old she could no longer manage too much heavy work, but she had stayed with me nonetheless. Over the years I had come to regard her as one would his mother and I was grateful for her support. The only thing bothering me was her constant attempts to convince me to hire more bodyguards.

"Please Mei you know I'm always careful" I said as I moved away from her and gestured for her to step inside the hotel room. She huffed but followed me inside, carefully closing the door after her.

I flopped down on the couch in front of the big plasma TV and sighed tiredly. I hadn't gotten that much sleep last night and I was low on energy today as a result.

"River Adam Kingsley what is this poor man doing here lying in a pool of his own blood?!" Mei screamed from somewhere in the direction of the kitchen and I cursed silently.

I had totally forgotten to call someone that could take care of the body. I tiredly pulled a hand through my sprawling blond hair before I rose from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. I entered just as Mei put two fingers against the dead man's neck, checking for a pulse and I sighed deeply.

"What have I told you about fingerprints Mei?" I said, gesturing towards the dead body in a careless manner. She shot me a glance and rolled her eyes at my obvious lack of concern before she pulled her hand back and waited for me to say something else.

"Fine I'll call someone to come pick it up..." I said slowly and she nodded, pleased for the moment.

"You do that boy." She said and with a final glare at the lifeless body she exited the kitchen and left me alone.

"Great now she's angry at me." I thought as I went up to the sink to pour myself a glass of water. I leaned back against the counter with the glass in my hand and regarded the man before me, or at least what was left of him.

I guess you could call me emotionless but I really didn't get the whole 'killing is wrong and you're going to hell for doing something like this'-crap most people bothered themselves with. I mean, of course killing is wrong, but so are lying, cheating, wars and reckless driving. There really isn't any difference if you think about it. At least not in my opinion.

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