Chapter 26 ~ Shut it chopstick

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"Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world, and that nobody loves them now and that nobody will ever love them, and that they will never have a decent night's sleep again and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape, hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve, but suspecting, in their heart of hearts, that they will remain unloved forever. The best thing to do in these circumstances is to wake somebody else up, so that they can feel this way, too."

- Lemony Snicket

[Midas POV]

This was the second time the little brat left me alone in bed like this. I guess I had to be happy he didn't hit me this time around but then again, I actually think I'd preferred that.

I stared down at the marks on my wrist from fighting the stupid cuffs too hard. I would get him for this. I swear to God I would get him for this.

"So if I understand this right... you let River outsmart you and leave you in the dust?" Gabriel said with a wide smirk. I could tell that he was happy about the fact that he wasn't the only one that River played around with. My only response was to glare at him darkly. I wasn't in the mood to explain it because I didn't really want to think about it.

"You shouldn't feel bad about it though. He does that a lot, he always have. Then again if you really think about it, I guess you should feel a little bad because now he's gone and we've got no clue where he's at. If James got wind of this all hell would break loose..." Gabriel kept talking and I could see Seth's eyes widen at the mention of this 'James'.

"Shut up, I do know where he's at." I growled as I put on some pants and a shirt I found in River's closet. It was a tight fit but it had to do for now. If we were to catch up with the little brat we had to move fast. He had almost an hour's head-start after all.

"You do? Where?" Seth asked with an excited look on his face. The kid really was worried about River even though he had slipped away by his own free will. I would teach that foolish jerk not to worry others by leaving them behind like this.

"He's at the church we visited yesterday." I said as I walked out of the bedroom. Gabriel and Seth followed me towards the kitchen and when we entered my eyes immediately landed on Tony who was sitting by the table typing away on his phone.

"So are we going to fetch him or what?" Tony said and I found myself irritated over the fact that he spoke of River like some dog who had run away. I guess I was swaying between being angry as hell at River and myself, to being angry as hell at everybody else around me. It was really infuriating.

"Let's go." I growled as I swept a glass of milk and then grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. I would also teach that stupid boy not to rob people of their chance to eat breakfast in peace.

[35 minutes later, around 12.25]

The drive to the church had only taken about 35 minutes instead of 45 but I still knew that we would have to have one hell of a lucky day if we were actually going to catch River here. He was probably already on his way to the next place... wherever that could be.

"Oh my... you're still alive then?" Matheus said as soon as he saw me. He glanced briefly at Gabriel and the others but then he turned his attention back on me.

"I'm guessing you're here for River?" He asked with a small smile as he kept putting books in order on a shelf.

"Where is he?" I asked in a dark tone and I could see the priest pause to look at me.

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