Chapter 7 ~ Spicy tea and purple hair

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"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

- Mark Twain

[River's POV]

Damn that over caring and controlling man. Why did he have to force these damn bodyguards on me?!

I was a second away from bringing my fist up to meet with the older bodyguard's jaw, I swear I was. He was the one who had taken a hold on me on the street outside my company, stating that 'there could be a bomb or something in the car' and if he so much as opened his mouth again I would seriously consider killing him.

"So... I read that your parents were killed when you were like... what was it... five?" The man sitting on my couch was smiling and I wondered if he even cared about the fact that he was asking a very personal question.

I narrowed my eyes on him and was just about to tell him exactly what I would do to him if he didn't stop talking to me, when Gabriel stepped inside the living room. He shot one look in our direction and immediately stalked up to us and gave me a glare in warning.

"Wouldn't it be nice with a cup of tea, River?" He said in a firm voice and I could feel my temper flare. What? He expected me to make him tea now? What did he take me for, a damn maid or something?!

I turned my focus on him as I drew in a deep breath through my nose, trying to suppress the urge to kill him where he stood. I could see the other man, Tony I think his name was, grinning widely from the opposite couch.

I called on every hidden strength I possibly had as I smiled stiffly and pushed up from the chair I had been sitting on.

"Yeah, wouldn't that be nice." I said in a cold voice completely rid of all emotions. Gabriel gave me a cautious look but I ignored it as I walked towards the kitchen he had come from earlier. If I had to spend another second with these men I would actually contemplate actual suicide.

I had to get in touch with James and make him call his men back. I did not appreciate the baby-sitting at all. I would rather take on every assassin thrown at me, by myself, than have them spending the night here.

When I stepped into the kitchen my eyes fell on the third member of my bodyguard- group. This guy was new and I had never met him before. He was rather short with dyed purple hair that almost reached his waist and he actually looked pretty young. I would guess he was somewhere close to my own age by the look of his young face.

I wasn't really feeling like talking to him but when I walked in his head shot up and he fixed me with a curious gaze. I sighed and waved a little with my left hand in the air.

"Don't mind me rainbow-boy, I'm just acting maid of the evening." I said in a testy tone and the guy's eyebrows rose slightly. He watched me in silence as I sauntered up to the teakettle and poured some water in it before I pushed the button on the kettle to 'on'. The machine started with a 'whoosh' and I frowned slightly as I realized that the purple-haired boy was still staring at me. I raised one of my eyebrows in question and he gave me a strange smirk.

"Why 'rainbow-boy' of all things." He said in an amused tone and I gave him a 'are you stupid'-face.

"You are aware of the fact that your hair is purple right?" I said, smirking slightly when it dawned on him.

"Ah that..." He said, smiling back and shrugging his shoulders. I turned towards the kettle again but I could still feel the boy's eyes on me, watching my every move.

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