Chapter 12 ~ Oh, how the tides do turn

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"I'm not afraid of death; I just don't want to be there when it happens."

- Woody Allen

[Midas POV]

I was lying on top of the boy I was planning on killing and I had a strange urge to kiss him. I was quite surprised to find myself not really bothered by the fact of it. Not that it was so strange really; I mean I had kissed men before so I didn't really care about that part. What was strange though was the fact that I wanted to kiss this boy. He was a murderer that I had been paid to kill.

He seemed so far away from being that person right now though, lying trapped underneath me with such a cute look on his beautiful face.

I had always been attracted to beauty but most of all I found pleasure in dominating others. I was a man that craved respect and I had been in several relationships that could easily be mistaken for 'BDSM- relationships'. I wasn't really exercising the lifestyle, but I have to admit that I liked the idea of it all. I simply preferred being in control.

I was brought back from my thoughts when River suddenly tried to shift out from underneath me and I let my eyes land on his beautiful face. He frowned at me and I remembered that I had just let the line 'you think you'd actually have a say in it' slip out.

Hm... I would have thought I had a better grip on myself than that...

I usually didn't let other people see the really dominant side of me until I knew that I would interact with them on a daily basis. The fact that I was dominating was rather obvious to people around me but they usually didn't get to see me actually acting as such. I guess I had a habit of letting this boy get under my skin for some strange reason.

Great, just what I needed.

"I would appreciate it if you could get off of me. I don't really fancy being bled on." River stated in a flat tone and I had to refrain from laughing.

"Tss... such a commanding little thing aren't you?" I said in a teasing voice and I could feel my heart jump at the look he was giving me. His eyes sparkled and looked more like molten lava, than honey, when he was this angry. I couldn't help but think that he was sexy as hell when he looked at me like that. Oh how I would've loved to take him right now.

"Stop playing around old man and get of me. You know, I could just kill you right now and get it over with!" River snapped at me.

"My name is Midas so don't 'old man'-me and no you can't kill me." I answered in a simple tone and I watched his face transform. It went from irritated, to angry and then to sheer stubborn in a second.

This would be fun to hear...

"Now you'll listen here asshole, I will not and I repeat I will not let you treat me like some fucking kid you can push around! Don't you dare think that I'm incapable of killing you because I could do it in a heartbeat, trust me on that part!" River growled at me, his beautiful face contorted into a mask of fury.

I had never in my entire life seen someone as captivating as the boy lying underneath me right now. I could see the fire in his eyes and the way in which he pulled his lips apart as he talked and I couldn't look away for the life of me.

He was stunning, but he was also challenging me and the dominant in me stirred.

"Hush princess, you better do as I say or I'll be forced to punish you. I'm in charge and you do best in remembering that." I said in a firm tone.

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