Chapter 23 ~ Let me be the one to break you

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"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

- Elie Wiesel

[River's POV]


There was no mistaking it. Blood was covering the broken things is my apartment and the words painted on my walls were a message in red.

I was standing in the middle of the chaos, clutching the small pin in the form of a lily. I had given it to Mei the second time we met. The pin was hers and so was probably all the blood.

"Who's Mei?" Midas asked in a calm voice and I shifted my eyes on him. If he hadn't been with me all day I would've probably thought this was his doing. Then again, it could still be... no... who was I kidding? I knew who did this. I already knew who had Mei and it wasn't the man in front of me.

I turned my eyes back on the words on the wall.

'Home is where the heart is'.


I clenched my hand tighter around the small pin and I could feel it snap in two. I let it fall to the floor and then I closed my eyes, concentrating on nothing and everything at once.

I needed to think.

I opened my eyes again and gave Midas a quick glance. He was watching me like a hawk and I would have found it funny if the situation had been different.

"I need to think. If you disturb me I will not forgive you." I said plainly. I turned on my heels and started walking in the direction of the bedroom without waiting for an answer.

I was a little surprised when he didn't try to stop me and the apartment stayed silent but I didn't care much about it. I opened the door to the bedroom, slipped inside and let it fall shut behind me.

[Four hours later, around 6 p.m.]

I opened the door to the bedroom and stepped out into the messy living room. I sniffed in the air when I caught the scent of food and I could feel my mouth water. I was starving and I hoped whatever smelled so good would taste the same. I ignored the chaos as I crossed the room and walked into the kitchen.

Midas turned his head in my direction as soon as I entered and he studied my appearance thoroughly. He was standing by the oven and something was cooking behind him on the stove. I let my gaze fall on the pot and I could see Midas smirk from the corner of my eye.

"Hungry are we?" He said in an amused voice as I trailed up behind him and peeked down into the boiling pot. He was making pasta.

"The mincemeat sauce is already on the table." He added as I gave him a questioning look. I shifted my eyes to the frying pan placed on the dinner table and then I made my way over. It smelled wonderful and I had to resist the temptation of trying it out right away. I actually did know my manners despite what you may think.

"You can have some if you answer my questions." Midas suddenly said from behind me and I stepped to the side as he brought the pasta to the table. I let out a huff as he trained his eyes on me and raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to either agree or decline. I shot the food a second glance and then I sighed. I was too hungry not to agree...

"Ask away." I said as I turned towards the cabinet.

I walked up and opened one, carefully pulling out two plates and two drinking glass each. I put them on the table and then I swiftly pulled out two cutlery set, placing them on the table too.

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