Chapter 28 ~ Acknowledgements

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"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are." 

- Niccolò Machiavelli

[Midas POV]

Even though the change took place right before my eyes it was still hard to understand that the young man before me had been hiding behind a mask so well defined no one would've expected it to even exist in the first place. I don't really know why but listening to him explaining about himself in such a way was making me angry. Really angry.

I wanted to hurt him, I really did but at the same time I knew it wouldn't be enough. It would never be enough. If it was one thing the boy was right about it was the fact that I probably... no most certainly, couldn't change him. It was he himself that needed to want to change because otherwise it would never happen. It was true that I couldn't force him to change but I could punish him for whatever immoral things he decided to do from now on. I would punish him so badly he wouldn't want to disappoint me again. Yes, because disappointment was all I felt right now. That and maybe a slight hint of anger...

"I won't kill you, I don't like to kill people but trust me when I say I'll make you regret this. Maybe I can't change you but I sure as hell can make you hurt so much that you'd wish you'd be able to change just to make it stop. I've told you time and time again, that you're not allowed to kill anyone as long as I'm around and despite everything you dare defy me? Do you want me to kill you huh? I sure as hell hope not because there's no way I'll let you get away that easy you little piece of shit. No way!" I was almost growling at the end of my speech and I could see that River was trying to suppress his own anger from surfacing. Trying and failing apparently...

"What are you saying you crazy son of a bitch!? As much as you may think so You. Are. Not. My. Mother! Get that into your fucking head will you!?" He raged and I could see his eyes shimmer with boiling fury. Well that made two of us.

"Enough!" I spat and then I took a firmer hold of his hair and twisted my wrist until he had to move as I wanted or risk getting his hair torn out. I forced the cursing boy down on his stomach and put a single knee against his back to hold him there. As soon as I had a good enough grip on him I picked out the mechanical device I got from the priest before we got here and shot said man a questioning eye.

"Right. Just push the needle as far into his neck as you can and then push the blue button on the handle. You want me to hold him down for you? His reaction could be quite fierce." Matheus said, raising an eyebrow at me and leaving the question hanging in the air. I smirked as River managed to move his head enough so that he could spit in the priest's direction. It amazed me how he could act like such a child sometimes.

"Don't you dare help him! Tell me what the fuck he is planning on giving me instead and seriously get of off me you fucking fossil before I kill you!" The boy was yelling while trying to squirm out of my hold.

I sighed and finally nodded at the priest who gave River a big smile before he walked over to us. Matheus didn't say anything as he leaned down and took a hold of River's shoulders and pushed him down more firmly. I made sure that he had a good grip before I raised the devise and took a better grip of River's hair. I forced his head to the side, exposing his neck so that I could get better access and then I put the point of the needle against his skin.

"Don't..." River started but I ignored him as I slowly let the sharp needle break his skin and pushed it further and further inside. The boy groaned from the intrusion and when I had managed to push it quite far into his neck his body froze and a small whine escaped his lips.

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