Chapter 32 ~ Family

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"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city."

- George Burns

[Midas POV]

I knew the boy was suspicious, thinking that I wasn't being truthful when I agreed to go rescue his housemaid. Well I was telling part of the truth... wasn't that sufficient? I would indeed save his maid but I wasn't going to allow him to tag along. Simply because I wouldn't be able to concentrate if he was in danger.

I can't lie, I care about the boy too much to put him in harms way. That didn't mean I was going to tell him that he was going to sit this one out. No, that would surely make him angry and difficult to handle. I needed him to think that he was the one allowing me to come along on this rescue mission. So far so good but I wasn't delusional though, I knew I needed a plan. Good thing that I had.

"So why are we going to this place now again?" River asked as he looked over at me. We were sitting in the back of a taxi after having left the hotel, ditching his bodyguards in the process. It was intentional though because I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy if we'd told them that we were going to bring down some bad guys all by ourselves.

Oh well I was going to bring down some bad guys while River stayed at my mum's house like a good boy. Not that he knew about that yet. It would be fun to see his reaction... not.

"Didn't I tell you I need to fetch something at my mother's house? You really aren't a patient guy, sweetheart." I said, sending a smirk River's way. He huffed at me when he noticed but didn't care to answer. He could be stubborn and childish but that was one of the things that made him so alluring to me because even though he behaved like a total brat at times I had been allowed to see other sides of him as well. It made me feel special that he cared enough to get mad at me. To me that showed that he was paying attention to me and that was all that I wanted.

"So... anything you want to tell me about your family before we get there? Am I allowed to meet them?" River said after a while, his face surprisingly serious as he looked over at me. I stared at him for a second and then I could feel a wide grin spread across my face.

"Don't tell me you're worried about meeting my family princess?" I said, immediately spotting the blush that painted River's cheeks an adorable color. I wanted to coo at him because he looked so cute but I managed to keep it in. I knew he would probably kill me for laughing at his embarrassment.

"What? I can't wonder about you're family? It's not like I care... I was just... thinking that you maybe didn't want me to come inside the house with you..." River muttered under his breath as he avoided my amused gaze altogether.

I couldn't restrain myself any longer and instead of answering I leaned over and, by grabbing his hair, turned his head in my direction. I gave him a soft smile before I pressed my lips against his and I could see his eyes widen by my sudden action.

He didn't resist me though and I gave a satisfied sigh as he even went as far as to part his lips slightly for me. I didn't hesitate to take advantage of what he was offering and immediately slipped my tongue inside his mouth. He tensed a bit but remained still and obedient as I tasted him. I even dared to think that he was partly enjoying the kiss. How surprising.

When I ended the kiss and leaned back again I could see River follow me with his beautiful honey-colored eyes and I tried to read the expression in them.

"Do you enjoy kissing me?" He suddenly said and I gave him a small smirk. Was he seriously asking that?

"Mhm of course I do. Don't you enjoy kissing me sweetheart?" I answered blinking at him. He seemed troubled by my question but still blushed as he noticed my amused expression.

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