Chapter 6 ~ Preparations

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"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect, and I don't live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean."

- Bob Marley

[Midas POV]

I watched as my target walked out from his company building and I could feel my eyebrows rising on their own accord. River wasn't exactly walking... he was more like... I don't know... stomping his way towards the awaiting limousine. He had a look of pure anger on his beautiful face and I found myself thinking that it only added to his attractiveness.

After River came three well-built men and it seemed like they were the reason for his fierceness. I wondered if they were forcing him to do something he didn't wish to do.

Before River could reach his ride, one of the men took a hold around his left arm, preventing him from getting in. I could see River freezing on the spot and I felt like I could feel the tension surging through the air even from my spot further down the road.

Definitely the wrong move.

In the blink of an eye, the man was lying on the ground and I could make out his surprised expression clearly. River was standing, towering above him and I could see him talking.

This was one of the times when I was really happy I could read lips pretty well.

I focused on Rivers moving lips and I could read them perfectly. This was what he was saying:

"Do please refrain from touching me ever again. Otherwise, next time, you won't be able to use your hand afterwards."

I had to prevent myself from laughing as my face split into an amused grin. This kid had some serious issues, that much was clear. If it was me, I would have put him in place immediately. I didn't like disrespect... or disobedience for that matter.

The man on the ground was just about to answer him when one of the other men cut him off with the wave of a hand. This man was pretty young with short, brown hair and a firm body tone. He walked up to River, and before anyone could react, gave him a quick slap on the back of his head.

I expected River to see the blow coming and avoid it easily, but he didn't as much as move an inch. I knew he had expected it but, for a reason unknown to me, he hadn't prevented it from landing.

Although I could see River fisting his hands he just shook his head a little and turned his back on the brown-haired guy. Instead of hitting him back or yelling at him, River simply walked up to the limousine and slid inside. He left the car door open and after a few seconds the brown-haired guy and the other two followed suit, sliding inside and shutting the car door behind them.

Well that had definitely been interesting. I wondered who the brown-haired guy was. Could he be a friend of Rivers? I wouldn't know, but he was at least someone slightly important to the multibillionaire because otherwise I bet River would have avoided his hit.

I made a mental note about checking him up later. I didn't know why but I hadn't liked him at all.

Yes, I like judging people, stop looking at me like that.

I started the engine on my own black rental car and when the white limousine pulled out into the afternoon-traffic I followed suit. I made sure to always have a few cars between the limo and myself so nobody would notice me following. I doubted anyone would even check because the streets were full of cars going in the same direction as we were, but you could never be too careful, right?

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