Chapter 16 ~ Tempted

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"A person has three choices in life. You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can tread water and let the tide sweep you away, or you can swim with the tide, and let it take you where it wants you to go."

- Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider

[Midas POV]

"Midas would you please make me something to eat?" River said and I found myself thinking that it had been a bad idea to get him to say 'please'.

Why? Because now I had to force my body to stay where it was and not jump him and drag him back to his bedroom to have my wicked way with him. My fingers were literally itching to feel him up and my body wanted to feel what it would be like to be pressed against him without these annoying clothes on.

Good God.

I groaned mentally as I watched River's pouting lips intensely and I could feel the desire cursing through my veins the more I stared at him. I had to get a grip.

"Mmh fine, since you're asking so nicely I'll make you something, princess." I finally answered and I thanked God that he couldn't hear what I was thinking at the moment.

River smiled softly at me and I shot him a sharp eye.

"If you're trying to make me think of you as 'innocent' you can cut the crap because I ain't buying it." I said as I turned around and walked up to the fridge. I could hear River laughing behind me.

"I want toast..." He suddenly whined and I shot him an amused eye over my shoulder. Was he aware of the fact that he sounded like he was five?

"If you have a blowtorch I could make you some." I said in a simple voice and I could hear River get up from his chair behind me. I listened to his footsteps as he walked up to me but I kept my back on him. If he wanted to attack me he could try. I wasn't afraid of him.

"Who in their right mind have a blowtorch at home?" He said as he came to a stop beside me by the counter. I gave him a cold look and countered:

"Who in their right mind kill hundreds of people for money?"

River tilted his head to the side as if he was trying to figure me out and the air around us felt a little thicker. Or was that only me? I had my eyes locked with his until he blinked and gave me yet another soft smile.

"I guess that would be me." He finally said and I felt my eyes narrow dangerously. He didn't even try to deny it.

"You have no conscious do you?" I asked in a barely contained voice. I watched the boy sigh and shake his head at me before he frowned and answered:

"Of course I have. I care about a lot of things."

Yeah right.

"Like what?" I asked and I watched him glare at me. Yeah, I was going to make him say it.

"Fine, maybe 'care about' is a strong word... but at least I'm no sociopath." He finally huffed and I forced myself to turn my eyes on the food again.

No, he wasn't a sociopath but he was damn close to it. In my opinion he was way worse and yet I couldn't bring myself to kill him right now. Would I ever be able to kill him? I didn't know. I just didn't know.

"Here." I said as I put a plate with melon, kiwi and other fruits on the kitchen table. I brought him a glass of apple juice when he had sat down and then I went to put away the knife I had used to cut the fruit.

"Aren't you going to eat? You do know that to be able to recover as you should, you need to eat properly huh?" River said in a serious tone and I found myself wondering why he even said stuff like that? He didn't care did he? So why was he asking? Was he trying to make conversation? Be polite? Was he simply trying to make me think that he cared whether or not I recovered? I didn't know.

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