Chapter 24 ~ The first taste of you

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Sorry, short author's note!

Hi, I just wanted to say that this chapter will contain manxman material so if you feel like that is something you don't want to read I advise you to skip this chapter and maybe the next. If you want to you can message me and I'll try to sum it up for you if you still want to know what happened apart from the 'juicy bits'.

Well apart from that... please enjoy yourself! ^-^


"If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, also we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world."

- C. S. Lewis

[Midas POV]

He said he didn't feel but inside me the feelings were overflowing.

River's remarkable expression held my attention captured and I couldn't take my eyes of him. His honey-colored eyes were gazing down at me unemotionally and I had no doubt about his lack of feelings right now. He looked dead and it both angered and enthralled me at the same time.

"Give yourself to me." I breathed calmly. I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it no matter what.

"Let me be the one to break you..." I whispered softly and as the words left my mouth I could see a slight flicker in his otherwise callous eyes. He told me he didn't feel anything but there was clearly something stirring in that gaze of his.

When I placed my hand at the back of his neck he didn't move to stop me. I studied him as I slowly applied pressure, pushing him down closer towards me. His eyes narrowed an inch but he didn't resist me. At least not yet...

Before he could think of doing anything troublesome I pressed my lips softly against his. The wetness of his tongue as I coaxed his mouth open and let my own tongue explore, had me almost unconsciously pulling him closer.

When he moved his hand to, no doubt, push me away I took a hold of his arm and rolled us over. River landed on his back with me on top again and I could feel his slight irritation as he tensed underneath me.

I knew he didn't like to play the submissive part in this but he really didn't have that much of a choice. I would never be able to suppress my dominant side so the best he could do was deal with it and let me take the lead.

Again, not that he really had that much of a choice.

I bit down on River's lower lip when he tried to turn his head to the side and when he let out a startled breath I made sure to grab his jaw and keep him in place. He wouldn't be the one in charge and he better get used to it sooner rather than later.

River pressed his hand against my chest and I was actually surprised when he didn't use it to try and push me away. He wouldn't have succeeded in any case but I'm surprised he didn't even try. Maybe the truth about who was actually going to be the one topping was finally sinking in.

River's hand began to move downwards and I suddenly remembered the wound I had gotten when my house had exploded. Hah, I knew it had been too good to be true. Of course he wasn't giving up so easily. He was just trying to get some room to use the wound against me as he had done once before.

Before River could get any further I grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm away. He struggled against me as I ended the kiss and slowly pulled back to hover over him. I gazed down at him as he glared up at me and I just knew that there was no turning back now.

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