Chapter 8 ~ An easy kill?

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"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."

- J. Robert Oppenheimer

[Midas POV]

The wind hit me straight in the face when I slid the balcony door open. I had dressed in black so I wouldn't be easily spotted when I climbed down to the balcony underneath my own.

Yeah, I did say climb.

I had planned to drop from my own balcony on the eight floor, down on River's balcony on the seventh floor and that's why I had needed the room right above his. It was a simple task but since I was on the eight floor I had to be careful not to fall outside his balcony-railing on my way down. It wouldn't feel so good if I missed.

I stepped out on my own balcony and shut the glass doors behind me. I made sure that every knife was securely strapped to my body and that the poison hung safe on the inside of my shirt before I walked up to the railing. I looked down and spotted the balcony underneath. I guessed it could be approximately 9 feet down.

I shrugged my shoulders and took a grip on the railing, swung my body over the ledge and let go. I felt weightless for about five seconds and I had time to imagine a case-scenario were I missed the balcony underneath and fell to my death instead. Well at least that would have spared River's life...

I landed softly and made sure that no noise had drawn attention to my arrival. When nothing could be heard from inside River's hotel room I let myself breathe normally again. The curtains were closed so nobody had been able to see me fall down onto the balcony either, which was a clear advantage.

I stepped up to the glass doors and reached out towards the handle on the outside, silently hoping that it wasn't locked. That would have prolonged the meeting I so desperately craved for.

The handle turned easily in my grip and I slid the door open an inch or so. I listened closely after something that would indicate the possibility of me having been spotted when a voice suddenly spoke from inside.

"That boy is playing on my nerves more often than he should. I don't get why he's so stubborn all the time!" The voice said and I simply knew it wasn't River speaking. He was more likely the one the voice was referring to.

"He's a spoiled brat that haven't been taught respect, what did you expect Gabriel?" Another voice spoke and this one seemed to hold a certain edge to it, indicating that he was more than irritated. Seems to me like River stepped on someone's toes recently...

"No that's not it Tony and you know it. He may be acting like a brat from time to time but he does know the meaning of respect. It's just that... he doesn't seem to want to express it." The other man, Gabriel, answered and I could hear his frustration clear as day.

"Maybe not to you two, but he sure was nice to me before you interrupted us." Another voice, this one younger, said in irritation. Hm, could this be the three guys I had seen riding the limousine with River earlier? I didn't expect them to be here. Maybe they were his bodyguards.

Well the more the merrier, isn't that so?

"I don't think it's a good idea to become friends with him Seth. He doesn't keep them around for long and trust me when I say it often doesn't end well." Gabriel said and I could clearly hear an irritated huff, probably from that Seth guy.

"That may be so, but I'm not one to fall for his charms so I'll be perfectly fine thank you." Seth stated and I could hear the defiance in his voice.

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