Chapter 18 ~ On Sundays we go to church

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"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile."

- Billy Sunday

[Midas POV]

I doubted I would ever understand River completely but couldn't he at least make some sense?

He had to be the most erratic person I had ever met. One second he could be warm, pleasant and fun and then in the next second he could be cold, unpredictable and ruthless. I didn't know what to think of him and he kept me on my toes at all times. I was watching him like a hawk trying to figure him out. I wanted to be able to predict when he would snap even before he knew it himself.

Like now for example...

"Princess, I don't think your friend meant anything bad by saying what he just did." I interjected. I could see the irritation in Rivers eyes when he glared at Gabriel over the table and I knew that he had been about to punch the man. Now River simply turned his glare on me and huffed in annoyance.

"When someone says 'you can't look like that and walk beside me' I actually think that they mean exactly what they are saying. I do not appreciate his opinions and the fact that he thinks I care about what I look like walking besides him, both amuses and angers me." River said in a flat tone and I could hear the truth behind his words.

He really didn't care a shit about others. I would have to change that if I wasn't planing on killing him. I couldn't have a guy, unable to feel empathy, walking around in our society if I could do something about it.

"Your clothes look like shit so you should care. Go change." I said, not even bothering to look up from the newspaper I had in front of me. I could hear him huff and I knew that he was glaring daggers at me. I listened to his footsteps as he walked passed me and left the kitchen without a word. If he wanted to sulk it was fine by me just as long as he still did as I told.

"I can't believe my eyes right now." Gabriel said in a surprised tone and I lifted my eyes to watch him where he stood by the counter. He was staring at the kitchen entry and I frowned as he moved his gaze to me.

"Huh?" I said in a curious voice as I tilted my head a little to the side. Gabriel pointed in the direction which River had disappeared and then simply stated:

"He did as you said..."

I rolled my eyes at him and returned to the paper in front of me.

"I expect him to." I answered bluntly as I let my eyes rake over the news on the front page. Hm... something about a newly opened flower shop, a murder downtown, a robbery... and then what I was looking for.

Page 14.

I quickly turned to the right page and stared at the blurry picture of my old block and the tenement house I used to live in. The picture had been taken after the explosion and the headline 'Mysterious gas leak caused the death of seven people' was splattered over the spread. The anger I had felt when it first happened returned and I wondered briefly who of my neighbors it was that had died. Not that it mattered really, they were dead now anyway.

"Are you going to send some flowers to the grieving families?" Rivers voice suddenly said from behind me and I slightly tilted my head in his direction. I let my gaze fall on him where he stood in an even more ridiculous outfit than the previous he'd had on. I studied his features for any trace of pride or satisfaction over being the one behind the explosion but I only saw signs of curiosity on his face.

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