Chapter 34 ~ Chameleon

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"Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best."

- Edward Abbey

[Midas POV]

I woke up to the feeling of an incredibly headache. I blinked my eyes open and realized that I was lying on the couch in my mother's tearoom. A second later my memories returned and I cursed under my breath. That little brat... I'd kill him for sure this time!

I growled as I forced my body to rise and I had to support myself against the couch as I did. My head was pounding but I suspected it was more due to the fact that it smelled so strongly of tea in here than the fact that River had knocked me unconscious. He was a sneaky kid and at the moment I wished him all the way to hell.

Why couldn't he have just brought me with him? Didn't he trust me?

Ah... that's right... I had planned to leave him in the dust too...

I shook my head, trying to concentrate on finding my way to the door and I cursed as I stumbled. One could say much about River but at least he didn't mess around when he planned on making people unconscious. He hit me hard that's for sure...

"Oh Midas! Are you feeling less tired now? I bet you needed that rest. Make sure you thank your boyfriend and please bring him to visit more often! He was so sweet." My mother said as soon as I stepped out into the kitchen. I tried to keep the grimace away from my face as I nodded. Ow... bad choice...

"Do you have any pills for headaches mum?" I asked and I didn't miss the way she sent me an 'of course I do why do you ask'- frown.

I thanked her when she handed me the small pill and I drowned it in one go together with a glass of water. Much better.

Okay now I was ready to find the little nuisance. The only problem was that I had no idea where he'd gone...

Just as the thought hit me my phone started ringing and I fished it out of my pocket and stared at the screen. Unknown number... of course.

"Yes?" I answered and I could hear the static whooshing in my ear.

"Midas? Is that you? It's Seth, River's... eh bodyguard." A voice said on the other end and I could feel the frown take over my expression in a second. How did he get my number?

"Oh hello Seth, everything alright?" I asked, keeping in mind that me and River had left them in the dark about going to rescue River's maid.

"Yeah... eh no not exactly. We've lost River but we found him again and we were just wondering if you were with him." Seth said and I could feel a smile threaten to spread across my face. They'd found him? Great!

"Is that so... no I'm not with him but I was going to look for him. How did you find him? Where is he now?" I asked, keeping my voice steady as I refrained from voicing my excitement.

"Eh... well you know after we lost him the last time Gabriel put a tracking device in his food and we just followed the signal now. But it's kind of strange... it seems like he's at some construction site downtown. We're heading there now." Seth answered and I nodded to myself.

I guess Gabriel deserved more credit than I had given him before now. He was a splendid bodyguard. Then again when I really thought about it I too had had the idea to put a tracking device on him... gosh why didn't I remember that I had put a freaking tracking device on River before now?! I could have already been hot on his trail!

"Thank you Seth, I'll meet you there!" I hurried to say and before he could answer I hit the 'end call'-button. Better hurry if I wanted to get there in time for all the action.

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