Chapter 10 ~ Explosion

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"I think high self-esteem is overrated. A little low self-esteem is actually quite good... Maybe you're not the best, so you should work a little harder."

- Jay Leno

[Midas POV]

"Did you not enjoy your stay Sir?" The irritating woman behind the front desk of the lobby asked as she pouted and looked me over at the same time. Creepy as hell...

I forced a smile at her and answered simply:

"No I really did, but something came up at work unfortunately."

The woman smiled brighter and I had to suppress a shiver from raking my body. I didn't understand people who liked to throw themselves at strangers like she did. 'Why' was the only question echoing through my mind at moments like these. Just why...?

"Then I hope you'll be back soon Sir." The woman said and I settled for a nod as I backed away from the counter. I didn't run out of the building but I could as well have because I felt like she would run after me any minute now.

I left the hotel and walked towards the place where I had parked my car. I thought about my victim lying on the floor where I had left him just fifteen minutes ago and I wondered if his body had been found yet. I had left him in an empty room but since I knew that he had at least three bodyguards staying at the hotel I assumed he would be found soon enough.

I always tried to forget about my victims as soon as they had been taken care of but this time felt different. I could feel an unsettling feeling in my body and I knew that killing River hadn't been fun at all. I couldn't help but wonder why he was special. Maybe I was just imagining things. I mean I hadn't even spoken to him for that long. Stupid feeling... couldn't it just go away?

Feelings were just so unnecessary. They weren't even good for anything. They just messed with your mind and prevented people from thinking rationally. If you let yourself be ruled by your feelings you are already dead in a business like mine. There was no room for fussy feelings.

Damn that beautiful boy for complicating things.

I reached my car and slipped inside taking out my phone and dialing a number I had been given by the ones who had hired me. A man picked up after the second ring and said:


"The target has been eliminated." I stated and silence fell on the phone until someone finally spoke again. This time it was the woman I had been speaking with once before.

"I knew that we could count on you Mr. Storm Chaser. Did everything go according to your plan? No complications?" The woman asked and I rolled my eyes. If there had been problems I probably wouldn't be calling right now because I would either be arrested or dead. I guess she was trying to be nice.

"Yes everything worked out fine, and no complications arose." I said in a bored tone and I could hear the woman chuckling in my ear. I wondered why because nothing was fun about killing a young man like I had. I was surprised to find myself irritated by the fact of it.

"Great! Then we wish you a pleasant evening and a safe ride home." She said and I frowned at myself in the rearview mirror. Nobody ever said stuff like that.

"Thank you. Goodbye." I answered as I pushed my suspicions to the side. I could deal with my feelings later.

"Goodbye Mr. Storm Chaser." The woman said and I cut the call a second later with a click on the 'end call'-button. I sat in the car, staring at my phone for a while until I remembered that I needed to get away from the scene of the crime since the police would soon be here. I started the car and pulled out from the 'all night' - parking lane.

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