Chapter 5 ~ Appreciate your secretaries

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"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by."

- Douglas Adams

[River's POV]

"What were you thinking, walking out in the open like that without protection?!" The head of security growled at me. I gave him a wry smile and I could see him narrowing his eyes immediately.

This twenty-three year old man had to be the only person in the world who wasn't even the slightest affected by me. It was both annoying and amusing at the same time, but right now it was just annoying.

"I was going to buy a coffee but since your men interrupted and exposed who I was I didn't get the chance." I said and I didn't even have to act like I was disappointed because I actually was. I had looked forward to that coffee.

I watched as the man in front of me clenched his teeth and breathed slowly through his nose in an attempt to calm down. He had a handsome face, I'll give him that, but a thin scar over his right eye made him look slightly dangerous too. His brown hair was cut short and his gray eyes put the final touch to his serious appearance.

I knew he was angry at my careless behavior and had it been anyone but him, I would have just laughed and flipped them off. Now I only sighed and gave him an apologizing look.

"Calm down Gabriel you're going to give yourself a heart attack. I was a little careless, so what? You should be used to it by now." I said and shrugged my shoulders. Gabriel glared at me and I knew I wouldn't like what he was going to say next.

"If you would just get yourself some bodyguards I wouldn't have to worry about you getting yourself killed." He growled at me and I gave him a tired eye.

"I have already told you Gabe, I don't want any. When will you stop bringing it up?" I said giving my voice a slight edge to it. He may be the only one I actually called 'friend' around here, but he should still know his place. He was in no position to give me orders and he was aware of that.

Gabriel gave me one final glare before he turned and stalked out of my office with a murderous look on his face. I wouldn't want to be whomever it was he decided to take that anger out on...

When the automatic glass doors had finally shut themselves I brought my eyes back to the paper lying before me on my office desk and I sighed in irritation. The paper stated something about an important client arriving to New York Wednesday morning.

I knew that this meant that I, as the head of the company, had to meet with this man and make sure that he felt welcome. I was so not looking forward to that, that's for sure.

It wasn't like I had a problem with meeting him it was just that I sometimes had a hard time controlling my urges. Most of the time this kind of meetings ended with me laughing hysterically as they departed faster than anyone could say 'well that went well'. I'm good at pushing people's buttons and making them uncomfortable. What can I say? I just have a thing for taunting people I guess.

I looked up from the paper when someone knocked on the door rapidly and I spotted one of the secretaries standing outside. I made a gesture for her to step inside and she immediately did as told and slipped inside, letting the doors fall shut behind her. She avoided my eyes as she walked up to my desk and stopped a few steps away. She extended a hand with a stack of paper towards me and I eyed it warily.

"It's the p-papers which needs your s-signature Sir." The girl stuttered and I gave her a horrified look.

"I have to sign them all?" I asked in a dreadful tone and the girl shifted nervously before she nodded slightly.

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