Chapter 19 ~ Matheus

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"The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball."

- Doug Larson

[River's POV]

When we stepped out of the limousine a slight breeze ruffled my hair and I inhaled deeply and hummed in satisfaction. There was something in the air today which made me feel excited and I wondered if something fun would happen later on. I hoped so.

I turned my head when a small yelp was heard and my eyes landed on Seth who had face-planted in a small heap of shoveled white powder-like snow. I could see Gabriel suppress a grin and I rolled my eyes at his obvious failure.

I turned my head to the building before us and I studied the marvelous structure. It surely was an impressive building and I loved the feeling of veneration it brought out in me whenever I rested my gaze on it. We would enter soon but first I had to do something important.

I took a step to the side of the road and crouched down. I had my back against the others so they couldn't see what I was doing. I gathered a hand full of the cold snow and gently hugged it into a ball in my hand.

"Did you drop something?" Gabriel said from behind me and I couldn't help but grin as I kept my back against them. This would be fun. I rose and quickly turned around in a swift movement, raising the snowball as I did. I took aim and threw it with a quick flick of my hand.

The art of throwing a snowball and hit your target is almost the same as trying to throw a knife at someone. It's the same flick of your wrist and the same aim as you let go. The only difference is the weight and, of course, the chance of dying from the hit. Being hit by a snow ball seemed like a better way to stay alive if you ask me.

My snowball had sailed through the air, straight for my intended target and... missed...? What the hell? I never missed.

I glared at Midas who had quickly side-stepped my attack and now stood, gazing down at the snowball melting at his feet. He turned to stare at me with a curious look in his eyes and I couldn't help it as I doubled over and started laughing like a maniac. The laughter bubbled out of me and I couldn't even breathe properly.

"You... hahaha... you seriously... ahahah... sorry I just... hahaha!" I tried to talk but I couldn't get out a single word without cracking up and laughing hysterically again.

"Are you a kid or what...?" Tony's voice suddenly cut through the air and my laughter died instantly. I turned my eyes on him and gave him a glare as cold as the snow around us. I was just about to answer him when I heard a slight whooshing noise. My eyes widened but even though I tried to dodge, it was too late already.

The snowball hit me on my left shoulder and splattered itself all over my jacket. I could feel some of it end up in my hair and before I knew it, ice cold snow was slowly dripping down my neck.

I was frozen on the spot for a second trying to cope with the disgusting feeling but then I whipped my head in the direction of Midas. The man was standing with his arm still raised and I could see his mouth slowly pull into a wide grin.

"You should never turn your back on your target princess." He said, his eyes sparkling playfully. I forgot my anger and let my expression turn gentle. I tilted my head slightly to the side and gave him a wry smile in the process.

"Cute, you got a lucky shot." I said with a shrug off my shoulders and I could see Midas narrowing his eyes at me. I gave him a wide grin and then I tossed my head from side to side to get the snow out of my hair.

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