A New Kid

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Matthew walked down the hall full of people, alone as always. He internally sighed as he arrived to his locker. Once he opened it he got the things the things he need and closed it. He turned to go to his class but once again, there was no room. Another internal sigh later and he tried pushing himself through. Miraculously, he made it to the door way to the music wing.

This was the only wing that was always pretty empty which is one of the reasons he liked it. The other reason was band. He knew how to play quite a few instruments. A prodigy, they called him with his skill. Though, it was feat of his that he didn't care much about. In fact, he'd forgotten how to play most of the instruments but he holds onto the lie to seem interesting. He entered to band room and was greeted by his friends.

"Hey Matthew, how have you been?" Lovino greeted.

"Pretty good, actually." The lie counter continued counting.

"That's good to hear!" Tino ever so joyfully cheered.

"Alright everyone get ready it's time to March!" The band director announced. A unanimous groan sounded throughout the room. Everyone always too tired to march. 

Matthew went to the locker room to get his saxophone, his main instrument. Other wise known as the only instrument he can thoroughly remember playing. Quickly, as everyone else he was ready for practice. They were all led outside to begin practice. While walking to the football field he noticed that the football players were running along the track. He noticed his brother coming closer, out of breath. Matt smiled to himself. I don't know how he does it. He thought to himself.

Time skip

He knew that they were soon to go inside and start the school day. Still, he was enjoying himself so that didn't bother him much. Alas, his joy could not last forever. They went in, put their instruments away and waited for the bell.

The bell rung and everyone rushed to their class. His was nearby so he didn't have to run unlike everyone else. He kind of liked watching others scurry to get to the other side of the school. He entered the classroom barely in time. Finally, math had started.

Before anything insane happened, the teacher got the classroom's attention.

"Attention, we have a new student, his name is Gilbert. I want you to welcome him kindly and not like you did the last kid." Matt frowned at her words. That so-called last kid, was Matt himself. Despite being the brother of Alfred, a football jock, it didn't change anyone's opinion. He was a loser from Canada and nothing else to most of the school.

"Hallo!" The new guy was albino, tall, and pale. His eyes were an odd feat. A piercing red. It fit him well. Another distinction was his thick German accent. Matthew snapped out of his trance and went back to pay attention to the teacher. Little did he notice that Gilbert had sat down right next to him.


"There's a new kid." Matt stated passively.

"Really? Is it another potato like last year?" Lovino basically groaned his words.

"Lovino get over it, but I think so he did have this weird German-type accent." Matt responded.

"What do you mean weird? You have a weird accent too."

"What are you taking aboot? I do not." He rebuttaled. Of course, he found his point to have failed. Lovino just smirked at Matt's realization. "Dammit."

"So what's he look like?"

"Really white."

"That sounds racist."

"I'm serious, he's as white as snow!"

"What else?"

"He's got really red eyes."


"Yeah and it's pretty odd."

They both arrived to the cafeteria where they found Tino waving at them from their usual table in the corner near the windows. Once they sat down they were bombarded by Tino's excited talking.

"Tino slow down." Matt interrupted his high speed bombardment of information. Tino stopped only to take a sip of water.

"Did you hear about the new kid?"

"Yeah why?"

"I heard he's Ludwig's brother."

"Ludwig? Oh god not another one." Lovino whined.

"Actually that explains a lot." Matt ignored Lovi's whining.

"What do you mean?"

"I had him in a class earlier and he had a really thick German accent." Matthew answered Tino.

"Tell me more!" Tino said excitedly as they all sat down.


After lunch Matthew went to English. Which, as always, was boring. All they were doing was going over some random classic book that no one cares about. All because it was required for some strange reason. Matthew was smart enough to read ahead so he just doodled. He found himself drawing the new guy. What's his name again? He wrote right next to the doodle.

When went to his locker, it felt as if someone was watching him. He turned around a few times but didn't see anything suspicious. He got his books and put back a binder or two and shut the locker. What he didn't expect was to see a certain albino staring straight at him. He nearly jumped at the sudden closeness.

"Oh...uh-Hello." He greeted politely while internally wishing to get to class not wanting to be late or really be near this weird guy. He noticed a small blush appear on the guy's face. Now he was curious.

"Uh...oh right! Do you know where the art room is?" The albino asked.

"Yes, actually, I'm going there now...so just follow me." Matthew answered as he started walking in the direction of the art room.

They barely stepped into the class before the bell rang. Both were out of breath due to the running they had to do at the last second. Once he was stable enough, Matt went to sit down in his usual spot, and was ready to begin. As for Gilbert, he almost tripped on a bucket of paint just trying to get to the teacher. Matt just watched and giggled some.

He then looked down at his paper and thought about what to draw. He looked around for inspiration, and found nothing much of interest. So, he did it the old fashion way. He drew a bunch of random lines until maybe something would click in his head. He was interrupted by the scrape of a stool in front of him. He looked up and found that same new guy curiously looking around the room.

The inspiration hit him and he put his hand to work. Maybe it was a little creepy to drawing some random new person but he didn't care. Not to mention, the angle was perfect. It captured the albino's sculpted jawline and thin face. It was at this point Matt realized that Gilbert had a really nice face. He's pretty hot now that I get to really look at him. Was his immediate thought. A thought he wanted to slap himself for. Shutup, you've barely talked to him! Sure, he looks...amazing but don't be an idiot. You don't know him very well. He reasoned with himself.

"What are you drawing?" The question almost made him break his pencil.

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