Getting Along

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Mattie's POV

Fish Gil: Hey there Matt what's it like in New York City

Me: Dude did you really just send me Hey there Delilah lyrics?

Fish Gil: Yes.

Me: That's beautiful.

Fish Gil: It's what you do to me

Me: omg remind me to give you a reward next time I see you

Fish Gil: what kind of reward?

Me: You'll see

Me: So why'd you text me now of all times?

Fish Gil: I have a question

Me: what 'tis your question?

Fish Gil: Is it a good idea to slide down stairs with a pillow?

Me: No

Fish Gil: Okay

Ten minutes passed by. I laid there on the couch checking all my social medias, playing games. Back to doing what I always do on Saturday afternoons.

Fish Gil: send help

Me: ????

Fish Gil: so I did it anyway because I am highly caffeinated and have no self control and I woke Toni up and he's hunting me down rn

Me: there's no saving you

Fish Gil: I'm still ready to shit myself

"Matt!" I looked up to find Al coming at full force onto the couch. I barely had time to move my legs before he could crush them. 

"What?" I felt a little annoyed by Al's presence because it was cutting into my subway surfers time. And that time is very essential right now.

"Want to hang out?"


"So, McDonalds?" Al asked jokingly. 

"I swear I will murder you in your sleep and make it look like an accident." He laughed. He knew I legitimately hated McDonalds. It was all because about a year ago, Al convinced me to climb into the play area. He betrayed me because he told me he would join me. He didn't. So, it took about three of the employees to get me out. I never want to go back after that. I'm too embarrassed. 

"Alright. So,where?" 

"I don't know...what's a fast food place we haven't been to in a while?" 


"Wendy's it is then!" Getting there didn't take long. It could've taken less time. If only we had a car, life would be so much easier. We could have stolen dad's car but he would've murdered us or gone on some long rant about gas prices. Either way, that was not something I wanted. "So, Matt, how have you been?" Al asked me when we sat down.

"I've been good. You?"

"I'm breathing aren't I?" He joked and I chuckled. "How's it been going with Gilbert?"

"What do you mean?"

"You guys seem to be getting pretty close."

"I guess." I shrugged taking a sip from my soda. "What about you and Kiku or should I say Kinku?" He seemed to choke on the fry he was swallowing. 

"What the hell, Matt?" 

"Oh, c'mon you two are incredibly obvious."

"Yes but Matt, I'm eating."

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