Self-deprecating Humor

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Gil's POV

I was half asleep when I got to school. Couldn't really sleep with all the nightmares hitting me last night for-god-knows-why. It was annoying. I thought about staying home for about an hour but Luddy barged into my room telling me to get up. And how can I refuse my dear brother? Doesn't change the fact that I want to die-I'm so tired. Dark circles and all. I look more like a walking skeleton than usual.

Then I got the call to wake me up even more than Luddy on Christmas day. It was the wake up call of a life time, I tell you. It was Francy.

"Gil, how are you?" He said a bit too cheery for me. It annoyed me a lot with how tired I was.

"I'm good." I answered anyway because I'm a liar.

"I have some exciting news!"

"What is it?" I was basically grumbling, honestly. I could've fallen asleep right then, didn't help that I had my head down. His cheery voice was even starting to give me a headache.

"I'm coming to America!" My eyes went wide and I sat up, almost falling off my chair.

"What?" I near yelled, causing a few others in the library to look at me. I didn't care though.

"Guess what happened!"

"I'm guessing it's something with that Arthur guy."

"Mhm~!" I could practically feel the sunshine radiating off of him from here. "We were talking and the topic came and next thing I know I'm packing like a love sick idiot and booking a flight."

"What do you mean 'like'?" I laughed. "You are a love sick idiot!"

"I know, I know..."

"When are you coming?"

"Two weeks."

"You bringing Toni?"

"Of course!"

"Where are you living though?"

"I can't remember."

"I swear, if you're on the other side of the country, I'm stealing a car and driving all the way there to come and slap you."

"No promises!" He laughed his french as hell laugh. "I have to go. Bye, Gil~! Wear protection!"

"Bye, you ass." He hung with a laugh. I was smiling like a freak but I didn't care, I was just so happy. At least, they would be within my reach.

I have to tell Luddy! I stood up and grabbed the books next to me.

"The hell are you excited about?" Lovino raised a brow and scowled at me once I put the books I'm checking out on the desk. I was still smiling like an idiot.

"Oh, nothing...I just heard the greatest news of my life!" I may have been way too loud.

"Don't yell damnit!"

"Okay, okay, hurry, I want to be on time."

"Fine." He groaned.


I walked into History happily with my books and all. I saw Matthew sitting his usual spot looking like he just witnessed a murder.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. It was like a horror film when he slowly looked over to me.

"No." His voice was soft as is but his voice was somehow softer than before.

"What happened?"

"My worst nightmare."

"Okay?" I sat down in the seat next to him. He didn't move. he stayed staring into the distance.

"My dad is insane."

"Well he is British." I joked. I saw his lips quirk up for a second.

"You're right." He seemed to snap out of his trance and snap his head over to me. A smile now on his face. One of those strained type of smiles though.  

"Look, just do whatever to get your mind off of it."

"Like what?"

"Well, I usually read."

"You read all the time, though."

"Exactly." I winked at him for emphasis. He gave me a long confused look.

"Gilbert, what the hell?"

"Don't worry about it."

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