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Gil's POV (listen to the song it really enhances the mood uwu)

The walk was quiet. It was strange considering that it was easy for us to have so much back and forth. Of course, we're both lost in our heads. To be honest, I'd rather be lost in the forest than in this hell.

Still, it made sense that we didn't say a thing. What do you say after proclaiming your love to each other? It's a naturally uncomfortable thing to do. For us anyway.

At least, I think so. Come to think of it, I don't know much about Matt. I know a lot of the physical like his family and friends. But I know only a little bit of the emotional aspects. Which really confuse me because he's a pretty stable guy for the most part. The issue is when something goes wrong to the people he cares about. He's a strange person.

As if I'm not. No, I'm ridiculously strange. I'm not entirely sure if that's a bad thing or not. If he can stand me for this long, I'd don't think it's that bad of thing.

"What?" He asked making me realize that I had been looking at him for an uncomfortable amount of time. I'm already screwing things up.

"Sorry, I just-" I sighed. "I was just thinking."

"You sure do that a lot."

"Can't help it." I looked away from him and instead let my attention go to the sidewalk we were walking on. "There's a lot to think about."

"That's fair, there's a lot to think about."

"A surprising amount of things have happened recently, it's odd."

"Maybe we're cursed."

"It would only really be a curse if it were all bad."

"I guess you're right." He sighed. "I swear you're the thing getting me out of bed."

"Not to be rude or anything but I think you're being overly dramatic at this point." I looked back up at him and found him doing the same to me.

"I'm a teenager so I'm allowed to be."

"I guess you're right." I shrugged. "It's weird that at certain ages we're supposed to act less and less like ourselves. It really makes you wonder who you actually are to begin with."

"The way I look at it," He turned to look at the houses around us. " Is it that you're always going to be an ever changing you so finding who you are is impossible. Finding who you were is just as hard. So, quit looking and start building yourself up." He flashed me a smile. I couldn't help the little giggle that bubbled in my throat.

"You're quite the motivational speaker. What happened to the 'seconds away from a mental break down' Matt?"

"Gone with the wind."

"That was surprisingly fast."

"Yeah, but I'm feeling better because of you."

"Are you sure it's because of me and not because you think you're going to see my dogs?"



We were greeted to some crazy loud barking from the dogs. Along with a fairly agitated Toni mumbling about how early it was even though it's literally one o'clock. He has no excuse at this point. He's been here for a few weeks. Then again, he doesn't really do much and he doesn't exactly have a job.

Anyway, he went back upstairs to his room, this mumbling about how we shouldn't be too loud. I ignored the comment and maneuvered through the dogs to get to the living room. I threw my backpack onto the ground then myself into the couch. I was tired to say the least. If I came home alone, a much needed nap would be in store right about now. But alas, I brought Matt. Which I'm not entirely opposed to. He's got this comfortable vibe that will likely put me into a far more comfortable slumber.

Speaking of Matt, he walked in, setting his pack on the floor. I felt my arms out like a big baby asking to be held. Which isn't far from the truth. Almost magnetically, he sat and gave me a big bear hug. He pulled be me with him as he flopped back to lay on the couch. I wasn't expecting that at all but it was still nice. He was incredible warm and comfortable. A perfect bed if you ask me. 

"I don't like the idea of someone hating me." He suddenly said. His fingers ran through my hair as if I were a cat. 

"Is that what made you upset?"


"Look at it this way." I plucked one of his hands from head. "People grow and change all the time so no one is ever going to hate you for long if they do." That was honestly a lesson I should abide by. Can't help the past haunting me though. But this isn't the past. This is the here and now. And right now, there's time I can deal with my problems. I feel like there's time for it for once. I'm feeling all kinda of things and most importantly, I feel light. 

"Do you have anyone that hates you?"

"Of course I do." I ran my fingers along his hands. They were so incredibly soft. "I haven't seen any of them in awhile, so who knows if they still hate me."

"Miss them?"

I sighed for the thousandth time today, "I miss them in the same way I miss Germany. There are the bad things left behind but maybe there could have been good things to come out of it if I just stayed a little longer."

"That's pretty complicated."

"People are complicated." 

"Wouldn't be any fun if they were simple."

I smiled, "Yeah, people are just simply complicated."

"You couldn't wait to make the pun, huh?" He flashed me a goofy grin.


"Go fuck yourself." He giggled, pulling my hair slightly. 

"Come on, it was genius!" 

"It was so dumb and you know it."

"Then why did you laugh?" 

"I could literally pull your scalp off." He dodged. 

"And I could easily break your hand, what's your point?"

"My point is that you're the absolutely worst." 

"I'll take that as a compliment." 

"That's literally the complete opposite of a compliment."

"It's the most affection I've gotten in my life time." 

"That's quite the sad story, you want to write a whole book about that."

"I could but I have better things to do."

"Like what?" 

I let go of his hand and instead used my hands to slide myself forward. I stopped just a mere inches from his face. Nothing but curiosity on his face. I couldn't help the smile as I surged forward to kiss him. I felt him relax beneath me. I pulled away a few seconds in. 

"That answer your question."

"You're pretty damn smooth, you know that?"

"Of course I know that."

"And that's why you're the worst. You might just kill me."

"No I wouldn't. Torture you, maybe, but I wouldn't dare to kill you."


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