A mess

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Gil's POV

Friday hit me like a freight train. I woke up late thanks to Luddy leaving early. I basically had to run to school since I missed the bus. I looked like a mess. I barely got to homeroom when the bell rang for first period. I took a nap the entirety of my free period. I had to rush to second period and I basically slammed myself in my seat.

Not that Matthew next to me was any better. He looked just as dead as I did.

"You look like you were hit by a truck. " He said, keeping his gaze to the teacher. His lips quirked up.

"So do you."

"I'm guessing you woke up late?"


"Guess we're one in the same." He sighed, his smile falling. "I really don't want to be here."

"Me either. I'm tempted to just skip."

"Let's do it." His smile came back.

"What?" He looked at me.

"Let's just skip."

"It's like my third day and tommorow we don't even have school so what would be the point in that?"

"Four hours isn't worth it."

"Yes, I know, but leaving would have consequences."

"Consequences I'm willing to take."

"Matthew, Gilbert, is there something you two have to say to the whole class?" We both whipped our heads to the front at the teacher.

"No!" We both said.

"Then pay attention." She went back to the board. I waited a moment to continue with Matthew.

"Are you crazy?" I whisper-yelled.

"Maybe?" Why is it now that I realize how small his voice actually is? He's not even whispering, he's just talking normally.

"Why is that a question?"

"I don't know anymore." I shook my head with a sigh at his insanity.

"I'm never going to understand you."


"And so we kept being called on by the teacher until the bell rang."

"I think you've lost it."

"I think he's lost it not me."

"Well, that's true but you've definitely lost it too "


"It's been about 10 minutes since you called me and you've been talking about him nonstop."


"You're definitely falling for the guy." Toni teased.

"I am not!" My voice echoed in the library and I shut my mouth immediately. Got a few looks too.

He laughed. "Believe what you want but you know I'm an expert at this."

"Expert?" It was my turn to laugh. "Alright, okay, how's the relationship? Still complicated?"

"Go fuck yourself." I laughed again.

"Seriously though," I sighed, calming down. "how is it?"

"It went to absolute shit, honestly."


"Yep." He sighed. "I am ready to just leave everything behind and just go to live with you at this point. I want to be as far away from him as possible."

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