Learning More

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Gil's POV

I don't really know how to process what exactly just happened. Though, I'm just going to take it as a win.

Anyway, I eventually made my way inside and went to my locker. I ignored everyone around. The brief few minutes of attention were enough for me at the moment. I shut my locker and began to walk to class but I was stopped by a random group of girls.

"You're the new kid right?"

"Yes." I was just being nice but I really wanted to get to class. After all it was American history, and I want to learn more about this place. Everything is so weird and nothing like how Luddy described it.

"You want to sit with us during lunch?"

"No." I said it bluntly and just walked away. I could tell I left them in shock. I may be new and I should take the chance but it's not worth it for me. Popularity is pointless by this point. Though I guess being foreign is authentic in this country.


This school is so weird. Which is saying something given my standards of strange. I have to say the weirdest thing is that people are trying to pull me into their groups like cults. They keep trying to latch onto me like a parasite, and it's freaking me out. I was actually surprised to see there was one person that really didn't care. I don't know if it's because I'm new or because I'm not from here.

I find it stranger because back at home I was a total loser. Everyone hated me. Now, since I'm new I sure everyone here thinks I was popular or something. It annoys me actually. None of them are awesome enough. Except that one guy that didn't care. He reminds me of what I was like at home. Practically invisible. Which is how I liked it. It brought me peace on one side.

Though seeing all these people walking around and talking with friend makes me miss home. Specifically, the only good part really left at home, my friends. Having a free period is nice and it let me text them for a bit.

Gil: Hey! The awesome me is here!

Francy: Bonjour! How was school?

Toni: Yeah, how was school in America?

Gil: It was...

Gil: Weird

Francy: How so?

Gil: I can't describe it

Toni: Really?!

Gil: I hate it though

Gil: People are like parasites here and want to suck you into their group LIKE SOME KIND OF CULT OR SOMETHING

Francy: Calm down

Toni: Did you meet anyone that wasn't like a member of some kind of cult?

Gil: Yeah, I met this guy that didn't really care

Toni: Great! That means there's at least one person that's not crazy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Gil: Toni you send shivers down my spine

Toni: Good! ◕ ◡ ◕

Gil: Toni stop

Toni: Never! (°⌣°)

Francy: Toni please

Francy: So Gil, what else is new?

Toni: -︵-

Gil: there was this one really cute guy


Toni: Francis please


Gil: guys, calm down this is how wars start

The bell rang. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had lunch next. I debated myself for a moment. I could go to lunch and sit awkwardly alone or I could go to the library. The library benefits me more though. The library it is! I've been curious to see what books they have.


I think I broke a record for how many books checked out in a school library. I still have no idea how I'm going to carry 15 different books home but it's too late now. I went to art and set down all the books on the table. That one Matthew guy immediately looked with pure shock. He was looking at the books first though. His eyes-somehow-grew wider when he saw me.

"Why so many books?" I think he whispered or maybe that was just his voice. I can't really tell.

"Why not?" He looked slightly surprised that I answered him. He looked back to the books.

"Why do you have the entire Harry Potter series?"


"Why is the first one missing in that pile?"

"Reasons." I sat down and ignored his stare. I simply grabbed one of the many books in the pile and began to read. Maybe a I could set a record for most books ready in an hour. It would be great because I'm pretty sure the only record I've earned is the record for how much someone can suck at life.

A non-existent toast to suckitude!

So how are you guys liking the change so far? Is it good? I hope it is because it really used to suck before.
Also shoutout to this person

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