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Gil's POV

I woke up on the couch. The TV in the background quietly droning on and on. I noticed that I didn't quite feel the leathery feeling of the couch. It took me a moment to get my head out of the gutter and remember that I was laying on Matt. How we got here, I'm not entirely sure. Not that I cared.

I felt oddly relaxed. Comfortable, even. Maybe it was because he was so warm and like the softest pillow I've ever slept on. Then again, I slept on floors for most of my life so of course anything else is better. For a buff guy, Matt is incredibly soft though. Maybe it's because I'm actually comfortable for once. Which is odd if you really think about it. I've slept on this couch dozens of times and none of those times has it been comfortable. So it has to be him.

He looked so peaceful. Almost angelic actually. His hair shined as bright as the sun that was hitting off it. His face was relaxed and soft. Far more that I'd seen before. It's a crazy sight. I might as well be dreaming. And I honestly would rather be asleep right now but my body's not allowing it. I guess being comfortable jolted me awake.

I haven't felt close to this comfortable in a few years. Is this what it was like to feel in love? It's strange. I'm not really used to this. I'm not sure what to really do about it. It really brings up the question of it being mutual. Has he realized it? Has he realized how our relationship works? 

For once, the questions don't make me panic. It's just wonder and curiosity about him. Matt is a strange guy. The strangest I've ever met. And that's what drew me in. He was the person that didn't notice me and I was the person that noticed him. Thinking about the beginning of it all now, I realize that I probably scared the shit out of him. He probably wasn't used to someone acknowledging his existence and making an effort to talk to him. Even then, we were natural at conversations with each other. Strange

I was jolted out of my thoughts when he shifted under me. He let out this puppy-like yawn that tore at me. I think my brain went completely numb when I heard it. Literally nothing matters to me right now except for him. Without realizing, my hands make their way to his cheeks, squishing them slightly. 

"Wha-the...?" He slurred out, squinting at nothing. Another yawn came out of him and my hands squeezed a little more. His cheeks were so squishy, I couldn't help it. I couldn't help the chuckle that forced it's way out of me. It was adorable! I saw his eyes shift down, the squint remaining. His eyes slowly becoming smaller as he was trying really hard to focus on me. At some point, his eyes gave up and he used his hands instead. Other senses tend to heighten when you're blind after all. His hands were all over the place for a moment. On my back, shoulders, back of my head. At one point he was feeling up my face as if the make sure who it was. 

His hands eventually followed my arms, landing on my own hands. One of his hands grasped mine and he leaned into the touch of my hand. With his other hand, he pulled mine off. By reflex alone, I close my hand and he held it. He brought my hand down to his and he softly kissed my knuckles. I squeaked at that. I saw a little smile form on his lips when I did. 

"You're warm." He croaked. "A good blanket." 

"Well, you're a good bed." His fingers locked in between mine. "Far better than any pile of blankets or a couch." 

"Hey, this couch is far more comfortable than mine will ever be." 

"Doubt it."



"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. Something seemed to flash in them. "I have a secret to tell you so get closer." He moved his hand to let mine pull off his cheek. I used the free arm to push myself up. I could his feel his breath on my ear. "I..." He began, cutting himself off. I felt a puff of air as if he was holding a breath. I was waiting, curious and anxious. "Please move, I have to pee."


Hey guys I've been having a really had writer's block the last couple of days making this chapter impossible to write (if you can even call it a chapter)
My head's just been blank as to what i want to do. It's been so bad that I've been bouncing from fic to fic trying to at least shit out a chapter for one of them

The last latest chapters for this have kind of been filler and its annoying because i wanna get to the juicy bits like Lovi explaining why he did what he did (which if you actually go back and read you'll figure it out ;0)

So have this bit of filler while i write the next chapter with the nice emotional juicy stuff 

I would also like to sat that you guys are super cool and super funny and I enjoy reading your comments, they really motivate me. Thanks!

Anyway, I'll go and work on the next chapter!

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