Books, Chopin, and War

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Gil's POV (A week later...)

It was already another Friday. This time it hit me with a much more fragile breaking of glass on my head about an hour too early. I couldn't really go back to sleep and I thought about the week so far.

On Monday, Toni disappeared for the entire day and came back in the middle of the night with a mysterious bottle of wine. On Tuesday, Matt wasn't at school leaving me bored. On Wednesday, Toni got really drunk and almost broke my ears with his yelling. Thursday was just an overall shit day.

I could only hope that today would be better than the rest of the week. I was just so sick of this hellish week. I could practically feel my face melting off from exhaustion. Even though I've been sleeping a lot this week. I would sleep for days if life would let me. Damn school. Damn Toni. Damn that bottle of wine. I almost wish I'd downed the rest of it just so I could at least go numb for awhile. Damn the American drinking age.

God, I sound like an alcoholic.

I grabbed my phone before my thoughts could go any further and have me going downstairs downing the rest of the aforementioned bottle of wine. A text distracted me thankfully.

Canadia: what's winning the darkness or the light

Me: sounds like you need to calm down

Canadia: c'mon it's a simple question

Me: yeah it's just like asking the secret to lightening

Me: science still can't answer

Canadia: I see you're as sleep deprived as I am

Me: it's just too early in the morning ok

Canadia: ahhahahaha I haven't slept for entire 24 hours

Me: there's no saving you

Canadia: caffeine and maybe meds but I'm no psycho... yet

Me: I'm concerned

That brought a bit of a smile to my face. Matt's existence is a hell of a blessing. That's an oxymoron. I am really damn tired.

Suddenly, I heard a crash from downstairs. Without a second though, I was out of bed and running downstairs. The kitchen lights were on and as I approached I heard something crinkling and I saw the dogs peaking in. I peaked in with them and all I saw was Toni at the fridge with a bag of shredded cheese stuffing his face full of it.

"Toni, what the hell?" I asked walked in. He froze and looked me like a scared animal. It took him a moment to swallow down all the cheese in his mouth.

"I'm hungry."

"So you're eating the cheese?" He nodded. "My god, you're going to kill me." I rubbed with my hands on my face trying to get the tired feeling off my face. It only helped in making my face feel light and odd. Great start. What a life of luxury I'm living.


I laid in the library's couch with my eyes closed. The exhaustion was finally catching up to me and I was on the verge of sleep. The some hit my stomach hard.

"Fuck!" I yelled curling up into myself.

"Shush, you're in a library." I looked up and found Lovino looking down on me with a smirk.

"And you wonder why you have no friend." I spat.

"And that's why I hit you with a book." He grinned. "Hard covers make great alarms, don't you think?"

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