"And I kind of think I'm going into cosmetology I don't know, I also think I could be a nurse or something you know? Oh my god your bed sheets are so comfortable Nick where did you buy them? I have some I bought at this one stor-"
"Shut the fuck up." Nick interrupted Lyssa who was bewildered at his recently developed sullen attitude, his bare back facing the dark haired girl who he had just finished having sex with.
"I was just making conversation." The confused high-school junior replied as she moved her hands around his bare chest in a loving manner.
Nick hated whenever they'd stick around when he was obviously done with them he had no more use for girls like her.
"Just leave Lyssa."
"Nick, come on let's just cuddle."
Nick chuckled, "Just go."
She flung the bed sheets off her nude body angrily, "You're a fucking dick did you know that?"
"You're unbelievable, I can't, oh my God I hate guys like you." She said pulling on her jeans then shirt.
Just then his phones rang, reaching over to the nightstand where it lay he looked at the unsaved number before answering it,
"Hello?" He asked, the breathing on the other line was heavy with trembles in every wave length,
"Nick, it's me Grace, I need your," Grace paused Nick could tell by the sound in her voice something was wrong, "My family needs your, no, Valerie needs your help."
"Look, I think I'm not the best influence for Valerie so I'd rather just stay out of her life."
"Just please come see her, she doesn't want to talk to anyone but you."
"Whats wrong with her?" Nick turned himself on his bed, his bare feet touching the fuzzy carpet underneath him.
"Just come to Baptist Hospital, she's being transferred from the ICU to a private room, when you get here please just ask the nurse where to go, please Nick." Grace's tone cracked triggering the sobbing on the line, without replying Nick hung up the phone and tossed it onto the nightstand.
Why should he even go? He didn't even know her that well. Besides why can't she talk to anyone else?
"Hey." Nick said softly facing Lyssa who was busy trying to snap her bra back on, she raised her left eyebrow at him,
Licking his lips he reached for his white t-shirt that was strewn across the floor.
"Think you can take me somewhere?"
"And why would I do that? You just kicked me out."
Nick gave her a charming half smile revealing his dimples and straight white teeth, rolling her eyes Lyssa grabbed her car keys and nodded her head.
"Thanks, maybe I'll call you." Nick said slamming the door to Lyssa's Volkswagen.
He walked through the glass doors of the main building where he was far too accustomed to, approaching the front desk a plump woman with short hair and a crooked smile greeted him, out of habit he licked his lips again, this time tasting blood from how chapped they have become.
"Hi, I was wondering where I could find Valerie, I think her last name is Laurent."
"Hmm, Valerie Laurent?" She repeated quietly while she typed into her computer, taking several seconds she looked at the screen then let her gaze wonder onto Nick.
Studying his attire in confusion the woman cleared her throat and slightly shook her head without him noticing.
Tattooed like crazy, a very loose white t-shirt, khaki colored capris and ripped up vans.
"Um, are you sure you're looking for a Laurent?" She blinked as she made eye contact with his cold stare.
"Yeah?" He said unsure,
Looking back at the screen she shrugged, "Well I do have a Valerie Laurent but she's on the top floor in a private room, so I'm not sure that's who you're looking for."
"But it is, thanks." Nick said peeling away from the front desk towards the elevators.
30 floors later and the elevator doors slid open.
The entire atmosphere changed on the top floor.
No longer didn't he hospital smell of sadness, sickness and desperation but on this lever the hospital looked like a five star hotel, a large white desk sat in the middle of the room, a nurse sitting at a computer whilst doctors shuffled about with clipboards in their hands.
Doors lined up against walls, presuming they were rooms.
"Can I help you?" The nurse asked Nick who was looking about the level,
"Yeah, I'm looking for Valerie Laurent?"
The nurse looked at him just as the secretary had looked at him, in disgust as to why such a low life looking teenager was lurking about the private wing of the hospital.
"I'm sorry but that name isn't registered here." The nurse said sweetly, the confused Nick shook his head, "No her sister told me she's up here."
"No she isn't, sorry."
"You didn't even type anything into the computer to make sure, what the fuck?"
"I'm sorry but she isn't here."
"Look you fucking bit-"
"Nick!" Grace exclaimed loudly as she rushed down the hall, once close to him she quickly embraced him before she turned to face the nurse, "He's with me."
Taking him by the hand Grace led him to the end of the large hall to the biggest room of them all.
As they walked in Nick noticed how big the room was, a large sheer curtain draped between the sitting area and the actual bed where a large familiar guy sat, Nick recognizing him as Valerie's boyfriend.
"Talk to her." Grace said softly, the beeps from the heart monitor filling in the silence.
Pulling back the curtain Nick's gaze fell directly onto Valerie who's back was facing him, he could hear her soft ramblings as Wesley stood up from his seat.
"You have 5 minutes." He warned shoving past him.
With the main door shut and both Grace and Wesley gone Nick approached the hospital bed slowly.

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...