He stood in front of his small and familiar home, he eyed it, rolling his suitcase right behind him then finally leaving it at the front gate which was nothing but a thigh high metal wired disaster.
Nick never knocked so all he did was grab the key that lay underneath the welcome mat, opened the front door and entered his home.
The sight made him feel so numb, as everything was gone and the echo of his footsteps made it worse.
His living room was empty, no couch, no TV, no bookshelves or a smiling Lily or asshole of a father sleeping on the couch, only a pile of garbage laying in the corner of the room.
The kitchen was also empty, only expired food laying around, the garage had nothing but a few tools and a red gas tank as for the upstairs his father's and Lily's room was empty and so was his.
Everything gone, no clothes left, no shoes, his gaming system was gone, the bed was gone, everything.
Even his box of treasured things from his mother.
He cringed. Abandoned. He didn't know whether to care, he was so used to it.
Going downstairs he went to the garage where he grabbed the red gas tank and luckily for Nick it still had half a gallon in it.
He opened it and began to spill it, first making a trail in the garage, then the kitchen, to the living room up the stairs into his father's room then into his own room.
He made sure none of it got on his clothes before heading back to the front door where he searched around his pocket for his favorite lighter, the flame ignited when he opened it.
And then with no remorse or hesitation Nick dropped it onto the trail of gasoline he had made.
He was already a block away when he heard the Sirens roaring, he didn't care though, when did he?
Nick now at his destination slowly knocked on the large red door and waited, until the door finally opened with Johnny behind him.
"What's up." Nick said casually, Johnny stayed quiet strongly surveying him through his green orbs.
"Um what's up?" Johnny repeated with a scoff, Nick passed a hand through his face and looked up murmuring something to himself.
"Why the fuck are you even here?" Johnny asked coldly looking directly at his old bestfriend who was more like a brother until Nick fucked everything up a while back.
Nick took a deep breath, "Can you just hear me the fuck out?"
Johnny cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms against his broad and muscular chest. Waiting for Nick's explanation.
"I just came home from Florida and," Nick drawled on, "And my dad and his girlfriend kinda just ditched me." He chuckled forcefully,
Johnny's green eyes widened in sympathy but then he tried to seem tough again, "So why are you here?"
"I needed a place to stay for a while." Nick admitted casually cocking his head towards his suitcase that was lightly getting pelted by the snow.
Johnny stayed strongly silent, examining Nick who looked like he was going to collapse from exhaustion at any given minute.
Johnny reluctantly nodded, "Yeah you can stay here." He said opening the door behind him completely. Nick furrowed his brow, "Thanks." He said before walking in with his suitcase behind him.
Nick headed straight to the kitchen, he knew where alot of things were in Johnny's house, they were just those kind of friends, ever since they were kids.

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...