"Nick wait up."
Nick stopped himself from leaving out the front entrance of his school, he turned back to wait for Mia, his eyes immediately dropped down to her belly.
Still unnoticeable.
She smiled, her white teeth glistened as she put a piece of her dirty blonde hair behind her left ear, she reached into her pocket and handed him a piece of paper, he looked at her in a very inquisitive manner before looking down at the paper.
"Baby names?" He read out loud for only Mia to hear him, she nodded her head in excitement, she shifted her text books from one arm to the other and happily began to sway around, "I seriously hope it's a girl."
Nick let out a small chuckle, "Um, Mia what if I'm not the father?"
Mia shrugged, "I think you are, I mean, it's like a sixth sense. Whenever I'm near you I can feel my stomach drop and I know the baby is too small to kick but I think he or she knows you're the daddy."
Nick chuckled, "Daddy," he repeated, "I'm not used to that word unless it's a sexual reference."
Mia smacked his arm playfully, "Shut up."
Nick handed her back the paper that was full of both names for a girl or boy, some Mia highlighted herself to insinuate the names she liked, she stuffed it back into her jackets pocket before tuning back to look at him, "I have my brothers car, wanna go get a pizza or something?"
Nick lifted his eyebrows in interest, "Fuck I do love pizza, but" he paused, "I can't, I'm going to Valerie's to have tea with her and her mom."
Mia scrunched her nose up in annoyance, she shook her head, "Tea?"
"Yeah, I kinda promised her."
"Ha, that's hilarious." Mia said sarcastically, she leaned her back against the lockers while she watched students pass by, Nick stuck his hands in his front pockets and stayed silent while Mia thought about what to say next.
She began to shake her head slowly, "Why?" She asked in a broken tone,
"Why what?" Nick retaliated, he readjusted his backpack over his shoulders.
"Why? Why do you fucking kiss the ground that bitch walks on?" Her eyes swelled up with tears, she took a deep breath in and sniffled a little, people walking by stared at her and at Nick all wondering what the commotion was.
Nick shook his head, "Why do you care so bad?" He whispered.
"For fucks sake Nick, you treat every girl you fuck like shit but suddenly this bitch comes along and you, you, you're," She smacked the locker behind her with a flat palm, "and you suddenly just focus on her and you treat her well, and it makes me sick because she doesn't deserve you."
Nick looked around at the people who were watching he nodded his head, "Look Mia," he began to whisper, "Drop it okay? Just fucking drop it. You and me have nothing in common but the possibility of the baby and even then if it is my baby, I won't ever date you Mia. I don't see you that way so just stop pursuing something that never existed."
Mia nodded her head, she watched him walk away slowly until he was out of the schools front enterance.
Clutching onto her belly she sighed and her lips trembled she began to coo at her stomach and in a sweet baby voice whispered, "I'll only keep you if he loves me, it's all up to your daddy, shh."
"Look just chill on the steps for a bit, my therapy session is almost over." Valerie said fixating her eyes onto her obviously irritated psychologist who was tapping his pen against his loafers.

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...